Traveling Gap Year: To or Not To Do?

You’re on the cusp of the next chapter in your life, and searching for a sense of fulfillment before entering this new stage. What do you decide to do? Take a gap year and travel! Whether it’s a break between high school and college, college and graduate school or entering the workforce, taking a gap year has its benefits and downfalls. We’ve selected a few to debate:

PRO - Opportunity for Maturity and Gaining New Global Perspectives

Traveling abroad for an extended period of time will force anyone out of their comfort zone. Travelers experience a cultural immersion as they spend time in foreign countries, whether it’s from the people they meet, cuisine they try, language barriers, and much more. Experiences such as volunteering, studying, or working during a gap year allow you to expand your mindset and gain a newfound sense of responsibility for your life.  

Photo by Jaxson Bryden from Pexels

Photo by Jaxson Bryden from Pexels

CON - A Significant Financial Investment 

There is no denying it - taking a gap year will most likely be an expensive endeavor. The total cost depends on various factors such as your destination, length of your travels, activities you plan to do, etc. The best way to tackle the financial investment of taking a gap year is to plan a budget ahead of all of the things you know you’ll be spending money on. Make sure to set aside funds for unexpected expenses! Also, another key area of research when budgeting is looking at the exchange rates from your country compared to the one/s you are planning to travel to. The typical cost of living in one country may be less of a financial burden than a traveler visiting from their home country with a stronger currency rate.

PRO - Avoiding Burnout in Schooling or Your Career

Whether you’re a high school student stuck in the same regiment schedule for the last 13 years of school, or growing weary of your 9-5 job, taking a gap year can prevent further burnout in your education or career. A pause in your school or work life can reignite a sense of inspiration and motivation in yourself.

CON - The All Too Well Feeling of Homesickness

When you’re taking a gap year, most likely you’re halfway across the world from your family and friends. To add on to that, there is typically a few hour time difference between where you are traveling and back home. Most travelers at some point experience homesickness, the emotional ache of being separated from your loved ones and general safety net. It’s a natural and common feeling that may be difficult, but it is a manageable challenge to overcome, so don’t let this fear stop you from venturing out on a gap year!

Photo by Tommy Milanese from Pexels

Photo by Tommy Milanese from Pexels

Planning to take a break for a gap year to travel? If so, make sure to tag us @theedgemag in your photos on your adventure of a lifetime!

TravelCatie Mannato