Is Self Care Different For Celebrities?

Over the past year, the conversation about self care has become more popular than ever. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have started realizing the importance of self care in relation to mental health. Self care has become an extremely popular topic among different social media platforms, causing celebrities and influencers to start sharing their own experiences. The practice of self care differs from person to person, but let’s take a closer look at what self care looks like for celebrities. 

In April of 2019, Kourtney Kardashian launched her “lifestyle and beauty brand” known as Poosh. This online website features publications in the nature of health, wellness, life, style, and entertainment. There are dozens of articles focusing on the concept of self care, and what that looks like for Kourtney. As we were reading through some of these articles, we were shocked at how unrealistic the self care tips are for the average person. According to the article titled “Kourt’s Self Care Wellness Routine,” Kourtney’s day of self care includes relaxing in her sauna, laying out by the pool, and hosting a tea ceremony with her friends. While these activities may be relaxing for Kourtney, they are unrealistic for the average person. 

As college students, these “self care tips” are ultimately not possible for our age group. Between classes, extracurricular activities, and work, there’s a slim chance that we could practice self care by enjoying an afternoon by the pool. Is there even a sauna on campus? Kourtney’s self care tips aren’t just unrealistic for college students, but also for the average working American. Working a 9-5 job doesn’t permit enough time to plan a “tea ceremony”, even if it’s for self care. The average American’s lifestyle is extremely different from the Kourtney’s, ultimately making Kourtney’s “Self Care Wellness Routine” a bullshit guide for real self care. 

Instead of telling her readers to relax in their personal saunas, we believe Kourtney should be using her platform to provide her readers with realistic ways they can practice self care. Kourtney is creating unrealistic goals for her readers, letting them believe an afternoon by the pool will cure their depression. Self care means something different for everyone, and the majority of Kourtney’s readers do not share her same lifestyle. The average person most likely doesn’t have a personal sauna or full size pool in their backyard. When it comes to practicing self care, money may make things easier, but the deeper issues will never be solved. If Kourtney is going to continue growing her Poosh brand, we would love to see her reevaluate the information she is putting out about self care. Self care doesn’t just stop at a bubble bath and a glass of wine. It’s about truly taking care of yourself and your body, mentally and physically. Practicing self care is learning how to set yourself up for success and live the most fulfilling life you can live. It’s important to practice staying in touch with yourself and tending to your individual needs. Following Kourtney’s “self care tips” isn’t going to improve your mental health, and will only provide you with a temporary escape from reality.

LifestyleSarah Hennis