The Crystal that Best Connects with your Zodiac Sign’s Energy

A supporter was almost always once a skeptic. We at The Edge were too, at one point. How could, as one may say, a “magic rock,” which is an inanimate object, truly influence and even change someone’s life? 

It may seem far-fetched that crystals are life-altering tools, but once you begin to think about how crystals are derived from deep within the earth’s crust and how we as people are naturally aligned with the earth’s energy, it doesn’t seem impossible. We are all connected. Everything carries energy and vibrates at different frequencies, and as humans, our energy fluctuates and is easily influenced by outside sources, whereas crystals have stable energy. 


As Albert Einstein once said, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”


For those who are mystically curious and interested in astrology, you have an abundant amount of options. It is the favored choice to choose crystals based on your astrological makeup so they can work in conjunction with your personality and your Achilles’ heels, or faults. 


Continue reading to find out more about which crystal best connects with your zodiac sign:


Aries (March 21 - April 19):

Aries, you are a fiery menace filled with tons of high energy, and we are here for it. Ruled by Mars and named after the god of war, you are full of passion but can be short-tempered and even explosive at times. 

To help balance these tendencies, Amethyst is your best friend. Known for its calming and highly vibrational nature, it dispels Aries’ anger, fear, insomnia and anxiety and enhances emotional grounding while promoting an increased intuition, focus, motivation and less stress.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you are ruled by Venus, and you’re a very sensual, peaceful, practical and grounded sign. On the other hand, you are associated with the bull and may have stubborn tendencies, having a “my way or the highway” mindset. You are a very loyal sign; however, you can quickly turn possessive.

Tiger’s Eye helps those troubled by ego. Taurus’ attributes are quite contradictory because while spiritual, Taurus tends to be quite stubborn. This crystal helps them break their ego and resolves inner conflicts such as insecurity, blocked creativity, pride and depression which raises Taurus’ vibration.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini babes, you guys never slow down. You love talking and quickly adapt to the energy in a room; It makes sense since your ruler planet is Mercury, the planet of Communication. As you’re the social butterfly of the signs, you have an overly busy mind, find it challenging to stay in one place for too long, and hate being alone.

Moonstone helps calm your emotions and opens your mind to new possibilities. It is one of the best crystals to help you manifest something new. It also balances your restless energy but works well with your highly inquisitive brain and go-go-go attitude.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, you are a soft and sensitive soul yet an outgoing individual. You are sentimental, nurturing and highly intuitive, which is admirable; however, you like to have a sense of security, which often manifests itself into attachment behavior.

Rhodonite is an excellent fit for your sign, Cancer. This tumbled stone has great supportive energy that releases emotional self-destruction and separates you from co-dependencies. This crystal also alleviates any pain from your past and helps guide you to heal your inner child. 

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, you are spitfire and a big bundle of energy. Your wild-spirited energy is simply unmatched. Like a lion, you have a charming and loyal nature and come across as confident and a leader. However, often you can be a bit too trusting, assuming everyone has the same high standards of loyalty and integrity.

Sunstone is the perfect crystal for you lovely Leos, as it reconnects you with your ruler, the sun. This stone protects you against those who are energy vampires and drain you emotionally, physically and mentally. It also removes feelings of failure and increases self-love. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Oh, Virgo, Virgo, Virgo… you are a unique soul. You like to have things just right and are extreme overthinkers. Failure is your deepest fear, yet you carry so many traits to be successful. You need to have some faith in yourself. 

Sapphire and Virgos are a fabulous pair. This striking blue stone aids with calming the mind and releasing unwanted thoughts. Sapphire balances the worrisome Virgo as it attracts confidence and improves self-expression.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, you are known to be quite the balanced sign; however, you swing between extremes and are often on the fence about things. You are very charming and sociable and love to keep peace and harmony, but this has made you a people pleaser. Yet, despite this, you always know how to find the middle ground and smooth over a situation.

All Libras need a little Jade in their life. Promoting harmony, good luck and self-sufficiency, Jade encourages you to be your whole, genuine self and assists you in your spiritual journey.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The intense gaze and desire for power are a troubling duo for you, Scorpio, but when used for the greater good, you are unstoppable. You can see deep into people, are extremely intuitive and you are very resilient. You love control, and when you do not receive it, it feels like the world is going to crash and crumble at your feet. 

Beryl realigns Scorpio’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies and keeps them in equilibrium. As they tend to need to be selfish, Beryl encourages self-healing and empathy and helps release negative energy patterns.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You are one adventurous and enthusiastic sign, Sagittarius. Quite fiery, as one might say. You are very outgoing and spontaneous, allowing you to be such a fun individual; however, you do not like to plan ahead, often making you seem impractical. But, on the other hand, you always seize opportunities that come your way and love being a free spirit.

Labradorite complements the Sagittarius personality in a really nice way. This crystal encourages and keeps an emphasis on your lively attitude and spunky spirit while grounding you and removing other people’s projections that have latched onto your aura. It also calms your overactive mind and brings out a more rational side within you.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 30)

Capricorn, you are quite the opposite of your neighboring sign, Sagittarius. You crave structure and get joy through duty and responsibility. You find contentment through success and have a keen eye for detail. You have an infinite amount of patience, but you need to be in control at all times due to you not liking change.

Onyx is a strong crystal used for guiding you on your journey to success and takes you forward in the future which is perfect for you Capricorns. It is a great stone for past-life work to help heal old traumas and raise your vibration leading you to success. 

Aquarius (January 31 - February 18)

Aquarius, you are the quirkiest of the quirky. You are unpredictable, chaotic and original. You have a deep connection to fixing and helping the world and press for change, but sometimes you forget to take care of yourself because you are too busy taking care of others.

Celestite is the angelic birthstone for you, Aquarius’. This ethereal crystal connects you with higher spiritual realms and encourages alignment within oneself and the purity of the heart. This stone is perfect for the Aquarius’ gentle soul.

Pisces (February 19 - March 19) 

Pisces, you have a gentle touch, big imagination and you’re very empathetic but sometimes you can be manipulative and deceptive. However, this behavior is not on purpose; you have a heavy heart when it comes to having guilt. 

The pale blue stone, Blue Lace Agate, is the crystal that every Pisces needs to soften their waves. Suppressing the fear of being judged and anger brings out the peace in you, Pisces. In addition, it opens your throat chakra, allowing you to communicate how you feel and your needs properly.

Pro tip: Always make sure when you purchase crystals that they are ethically sourced and authentic. Stores such as Amazon or the ones you find in malls often sell fake crystals. It is always good to ask where a seller gets their crystals from to confirm their authenticity. 

If you decide to try out Zodiac-inspired crystal healing, tag us @theedgemag to be featured on our Instagram! 

Beauty & WellnessJuliana Kuhno