Unplug and Unwind

A 2020 study conducted by Stanford University suggested that college students spend nearly four-fifths of their waking hours staring at a screen. Between completing assignments on Moodle and scrolling through TikTok, the hours of screen time can quickly add up, leaving users feeling groggy and unrested. By the time the weekend rolls around everyone is in major need of a tech detox, but how? It’s simple. Start small. Instead of declaring a 48-hour long social media stunt, choose one task and complete it with enjoyment without the assistance of an app. 

At a loss for ideas on how to unplug and unwind? Not to worry, here are 5 Edge approved ways to disconnect and discover your inner zen. 

Get Lost In a Good Book 

Arguably the most engaging way to recharge and remove yourself from your iPhone is to read a book. Perhaps you will choose to re-read an old favorite such as The Great Gatsby, or maybe you are in search of something new. Some of our favorites include Nine Perfect Strangers, When Life Gives You Lululemons, Her, and Miss Dior amongst hundreds of other incredible titles.

Take a Yoga Class

Visit Elon’s Center for Recreation and Wellness and strengthen your mind-body connection in a yoga class. While increasing your flexibility and balance you can also aid in managing your stress and dialing in on your breathing for a peaceful, restorative flow. 


Take note of all the highs and lows of your week. Reflect on the past with gratitude and set goals for the days, weeks, and months ahead. Look forward with optimism and channel positive energy for yourself.  

Bake a Sweet Treat 

Nothing says self-care like whipping up your favorite confection. Enjoy this project solo or involve your friends for a fun bonding activity. P.S.- it’s pumpkin season and fall recipes are rampant on Pinterest. Thank me later. 

Walk-in Nature 

Elon was not named as one of The Most Beautiful College Campuses by the Princeton Review by accident. Not only are the buildings stunning, but the greenery on Elon’s campus is classified as a level II Botanical Garden by the ArbNet Accreditation. The views alone are a mood booster but catching some sun and soaking up Vitamin D is helpful too. 

How do you unplug? Let us know by tagging @theedgemag on Instagram (that is, after you unwind)!

Beauty & WellnessLydia Buckius