Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder

It sounds like a joke, but Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder is nothing of the sort. Although we are still in the midst of the epidemic, we are beginning to see the virus’s repercussions on mental health. The fear of contracting a highly contagious virus is just one of the factors of the stress surrounding COVID-19. Much of the anxiety regarding the pandemic is related to quarantining, social distancing, wearing a mask, and all the other fun 2020 things. Although society reacted to the pandemic as best as possible, it was still a huge adjustment for people to learn to cope. Events such as zoom parties, drive-by graduations, and online school were fantastic ways of attempting to keep normality in everyday life. However, the impact that those socially isolating events have had on the mental well-being of society has begun to have negative repercussions on mental health; Psychotherapist Owen O’Kane has coined this phenomenon as Post Pandemic Stress Disorder.

In early August, the case count of the coronavirus reached over 200 million globally with over 4 million deaths. Though the pandemic is far from over with new variants rapidly spreading around communities, we are beginning to see the past year’s impact on society’s mental health and wellness. Even with over 5 billion vaccine doses administered as of mid-September, the world is years from normal. And here at The Edge, we aren’t sure society will ever really go back to the “normal” we once knew pre-pandemic. The World Health Organization has reported that the world has experienced a “mass trauma” from the impact of the coronavirus. “Almost the whole world is affected, each and every individual on the surface of the world has been affected,” said the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu. Although we are beginning to see the impacts of the mass trauma the world has endured, we will not know the effects on mental health until the pandemic has truly ended. However, professionals have begun to study the effects the stress and anxiety of the pandemic have had on mental health.

Photo from Stylist

Photo from Stylist

So what is Post Pandemic Stress Disorder?  Some preliminary data has shown that the trauma from the COVID epidemic has manifested into a psychological disorder similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Though many medical professionals have not officially recognized the stress disorder from the pandemic, some early estimated symptoms may be related to a new pandemic-related stress disorder. According to O’Kane’s interview with Woman’s Health Magazine, the following signs would indicate that the pandemic has impacted your mental health:

  • Increased anxiety 

  • Stress

  • Mood changes

  • Paranoia

  • Social isolation

  • Trouble sleeping 

It is important to remember that we are still amid the pandemic, and we do not yet have significant data to know how COVID-19 will impact mental health. However, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms previously listed, please reach out for help from a medical professional. Here at The Edge, we know the past year and a half has been nothing short of unprecedented- working through the trauma we have all experienced in therapy can make a significant impact. Elon’s Counseling Services is free to students and can be the perfect place to start. 

Beauty & WellnessMaya Drabczyk