How To Be Fully Present While Traveling

Traveling can be unpredictable. Delayed flights, crowded planes, lost luggage-- the list goes on! Trust us, these situations are very real and we’ve all been there. There are so many uncontrollable circumstances surrounding traveling that might seem daunting, but we are here to remind you to focus on what YOU can personally control. Here are a few things that you can do to be fully present while traveling: 


Traveling, especially during a pandemic, can be stressful! Give yourself time to catch your breath wherever you are, and remind yourself why you are traveling in the first place. This can help shift your perspective, allow you to be mindful and help you prioritize what is most important to you. 


It can be easy to get caught up in capturing the perfect moments and sharing everything on social media. We are here to remind you that social media can wait! When you are traveling, the adventure starts when you disconnect from technology and embrace your surroundings. Do not get us wrong, taking pictures can be great. We all love looking back at our pictures from past trips and having memories flood back to us. It can even make it feel like we’re there again. That being said, often the most enjoyable, genuine moments are spontaneous and not captured on your phone. 

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Dedicate a few minutes each day to reflect and write about anything you want. You could write about what you did that day, some things that stood out to you, how you felt, what you’re grateful for and just about anything your heart desires. Journaling can be beneficial because it helps you check in with yourself and reflect on the meaningful moments during your trip. Later, when you’re back home and feeling nostalgic, you can always go back to your journal and read through it! 


As tempting as it can be to do and see everything in a certain place while traveling, remember to schedule some downtime. Do something low stakes like sitting at a local cafe, walking through a park or going to a market. Being observant of your surroundings can help you live in the moment and appreciate the little things you might otherwise not notice.   

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Say YES! Sometimes the best way to truly be present is to ditch the itinerary. It is one thing to be back home planning every step of your trip, but things might change when you finally arrive. Maybe you discover a local neighborhood you want to explore more or hear about an exciting day trip that wasn’t on your radar until you’re there. Traveling is a great way to step outside of your comfort zone, so try to be open to new ideas and experiences wherever you go. You won’t regret it… and if you do, you’ll still have a great story to tell!

We hope these tips help you be present and live in the moment during your next exciting adventure! Make sure to tag us here @theedgemag in all your travel photos!

TravelMargaret Jacobs