Productive Girl Fall: Getting it Together

We hate to say it, but our ‘Hot Girl Summer’ has sadly come to an end. We’re waving goodbye to summer dresses, beach cocktail parties, late night swims, and early morning runs; we’ll see you again in 2023! We had lots of fun, and it was a packed summer but now it’s time to start ‘Productive Girl Fall’. 

What is Productive Girl Fall, you ask? Well, it’s all about being our best selves during the fall season. It’s about getting our assignments done, treating our body with love, creating the cutest fall outfits and, most importantly, eating all the pumpkin items from Trader Joe’s. Here at the Edge we are obsessed with being organized and getting ourselves together, which is perfect for Productive Girl Fall. First, we have to get our calendars in order. Nothing is better than feeling organized and ready to take on the week! 

Whether you’re a physical or digital calendar person, make sure you’re color coordinated! Use different colors for each class, make sure urgent and important things are in BIG & BOLD letters. Something we love to do is crossing out each day as it passes, rewarding ourselves for making it through a busy day and getting prepared for the next. We know homework and big projects aren’t the most exciting things, but they're important so make a To-Do list! We promise it’ll make you feel less stressed and way more organized. Order your To-Do list from most urgent to least, this way you’ll get all the stuff you need to get done finished, and the things towards the bottom you can finish if you still have time, or another day!

Fall is such a glorious time of year. It’s our time to enjoy the crisp weather, take trips to the pumpkin patch and, most importantly, spend time with family. All these things are so needed after a busy summer, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I love getting back into that steady routine that fall provides. So let's talk about routines; they’re important! Now I’m not saying we should always be in a routine, but it’s important to have one. What does a Productive Girl Fall routine include? Well, lots of long walks by yourself or with friends to soak up this gorgeous weather, making time to get our assignments done, getting lots of sleep and continuing to check in with our own mental well being. This is a huge factor of Productive Girl Fall—making sure we’re all in touch with how we’re feeling mentally, and reaching out if we need help. 

Be there for your friends, but be there for yourself. Don’t push yourself too hard, and when you know you need a break, please take one! You’re going to be productive and amazing, there’s no question about it, but part of being productive is also relaxing and having alone time. So here’s to a very Productive Girl Fall, filled with happy moments and lots of self care.