Don’t Worry Darling Style

You're missing out if you haven't seen Don't Worry Darling, featuring Harry Styles and Florence Pugh. While the movie has gotten mixed reviews that are possibly due to a drama-filled press release, we think the costuming is Oscar-worthy. 

The 50s and 60s inspired all the costumes, but each one had a twist. Alice, played by Florence Pugh, had costumes that hinted that she had different thoughts from most women. Jack, played by Harry Styles, also had outfits that showed that he wasn't as traditional as the other husbands in Victory, the "perfect" town the movie was set in. 

Arianna Phillips, a costume designer for the movie, talked about how the costumes were designed for the male gaze, as the wives were only around to tend to their husbands. Their outfits were perfectly pressed and always in flawless condition, but they still had an underlying sensual feel. The costumes were meant to emphasize how Victory was supposed to be perfect.

Alice's costumes had a more modern take. Instead of the era's more oversized, flouncier dresses, she was put in tighter sheath dresses. The colors of her costumes were also very bright so that she would stand out from the other wives in Victory. In one scene that foreshadows the evil in the town, she is wearing a black dress. This color would be uncommon for a woman in the time period that the movie portrayed. 

The structure of the costumes was made to look like it was straight out of the 50s and 60s, while the fabrics showed brighter colors and patterns that were more similar to today's style. We love this modern take on vintage style, and we think it might be something we see pop up as a trend next year. A modern twist on a vintage piece will always give you a classic look. This floral dress from Zara has a fun, vintage feel while including brighter colors inspired by the movie.

If you've already seen the movie, we recommend watching it again and looking for the hints that the costumes provide. It's super interesting to realize how much of an impact the style and costumes in the movie have on the plot. They foreshadow the demise of Alice and Jack and how they are different from the others.

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