Benefits of Adding Matcha to Your Diet

We bet by now we’re all familiar with matcha, because it’s in almost everything these days. But, what really is it? What are the benefits to it? Why is it so important? How can a powder from Japan make a difference to your health? Well today, you’re in luck because we’re going to be explain it to you!

First off, what is matcha? Matcha is a fine powder derived from green tea leaves and is most popular in East Asia. Matcha has so many health benefits; this list is going to be a bit long. Matcha reduces inflammation, is good for your arteries, helps promote cell repair, reduces fat in the body and has lots of positive antioxidants. Matcha also reduces blood sugar, blood pressure and can even help combat signs of aging. Overall, this little powder can go a long way in promoting good health. So after hearing all of this, what are some ways you can be adding this to your diet?

One of the most common ways to do so is through your daily dose of caffeine. Try replacing coffee with matcha and see how you like it! 

We know this is a challenge for some people, ourselves included. However, after learning that matcha also contains caffeine, it really won’t feel like that big of a difference in the morning, afternoon, or whenever you need that energy boost. Matcha is also a much healthier replacement for energy drinks, which contain heavy amounts of caffeine and sugar. 

Matcha can be consumed in any form. Drink it straight after mixing the powder in water or milk; you can drink it warm, cold, in lattes, or even just straight tea. Green tea is basically the same thing, and if you don’t like the natural bitter taste of matcha and don’t want to add in additional sweeteners, green tea is super easy to get compared to matcha powder, however arguably not as good or fun to make! 

So, on your next coffee shop run, try matcha instead of regular lattes and iced coffee, and remember all the powerful benefits matcha has to offer you!