Latino Home Remedies

It’s that time of the year again. That’s right, we're talking about flu season! It’s that time of year when we hear people coughing and sniffling here and there. Most of us here at The Edge have fallen victim to a cold. We know that there are various ways to treat the flu and cold but in Latino households, there are even more different ways to treat it. Not all Latinos use the same home remedies due to the various amounts there are, but here are a few common home remedies that are used in Latino households and that most of us grew up using.

Hot herbal teas 

This is something that a lot of our mom’s made us drink. Hot herbal teas are used for stomach aches or throat aches. Without fail, these teas were always being brewed by our parents. These teas are brewed from various herbs. Some of the most common herbal teas are the following:

  • Manzanilla (Chamomile) tea

  • Spearmint tea

  • Cinnamon tea

  • Lemon with honey tea

Aloe Vera 

Our parents would cut a piece of aloe vera, rub it on any cuts we had and leave it there for as long as possible. This would help soothe the pain we had, and it would help heal the cut fast. Aloe vera is the cure-all remedy that our parents use. 

Vicks Vaporub

Yes, Vicks Vaporub - or as some of our parents call it, “vaporú” for short. We know how this sounds but hear us out. Latino parents and grandparents swear by Vicks. It’s a long-running joke in the Latino community that Vicks can fix anything. If we start feeling a little scratch in our throat or feeling a bit congested, our parents will simply say “échate vaporú.” Growing up our moms would put this on our nostrils, chest and neck before going to bed. Somehow it always worked, and it still does. Now, we make sure we always have Vicks with us no matter what. You know, just in case. 

These are just a few home remedies that most of us Latinos grew up using. These home remedies are more of an extra way to care for your loved ones who are sick. Alongside doctor prescriptions, we make sure to use these home remedies to guarantee a fast recovery. If you’re feeling sick, we suggest giving these home remedies a try!