The Problem with Heroin Chic Coming Back

Throughout the decade, we’ve seen trends come and go. Many of these trends are superficial-  things we can look past and sweep under the rug. However, this past summer it’s been hard not to notice how drastic certain celebritie’s bodies are shifting from average, healthy to too skinny. 

Celebrities such as  Kim Kardashian, and Christine Quinn have significantly slimmed down to the point where internet plastic surgeons are calling them out about possibly having reverse gastric bypass, which essentially means shrinking your stomach. Here at The Edge, we talk about things from beauty and wellness, travel to lifestyle. And sometimes this includes talking about difficult things too. 

Kate Moss is a super model and celebrity. She grew to fame in the late 80s and 90s. She had infamous nicknames throughout the tabloids, and essentially was the symbol of Heroin Chic. Generating grunge fashion and unrealistic body image, even quoting, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Moss has since reflected on that quote and regrets it terribly. 

The reason we want to discuss this from a beauty standpoint, is just a few days ago The New York Post claimed, “Heroin Chic” is back. They are under a lot of heat from this. After numerous celebrities have come forward claiming their bodies aren’t trends. 

This is important to talk about because we all know that the beauty and fashion industry have a huge influence on our everyday lives, from what makeup we use down to the nail polish we buy. We can’t stand by and let social media and influencers encourage toxic body image, and unrealistic expectations. The cycle of letting the media tell us what we should look like, what’s considered beautiful, and what’s considered desirable or undesirable needs to end. 

All body types are normal, natural, and beautiful. The most important thing is one’s individual health. Eating disorders are among one of the deadliest mental illnesses, and have unfortunately become so common today. If you or anyone you know suffers from an eating disorder or disordered eating, IT IS OKAY TO REACH OUT FOR HELP! 

Always remember that when the fashion and beauty industry rose, so did individuality. You should never try and compare yourself to others you see on social media. 

Beauty & WellnessElla Kucera