How to Create Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

We’ve all heard of New Year’s resolutions sounding a little something like this… 

“In 2023, I want to lose 50 pounds, get a boyfriend and have a swimsuit ready body!” 

Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions revolve around adopting healthier lifestyles while making drastic changes to your life. Typically, resolutions get lost and disappear by the end of January, as it is common for these goals to fizzle out. Here at The Edge, we get it; we struggle with our New Year’s resolutions. So, what’s the key to making healthy and meaningful New Year’s resolutions for 2023? 

We recommend using a method called SMART goals - ones that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. It’s just a simple, five-letter acronym that is a great way to guide your goal-setting for 2023. It can work for any goal, no matter how big or small. 

Here’s an example if your goal is to start waking up earlier in the morning: 

Specific → I want to wake up earlier each morning to have more time for myself and my routine.

Measurable → I will start setting my alarm clock a few minutes earlier each day and set reminders to myself in my phone. 

Attainable → With this new goal, I will still be going to bed at a decent time and will be getting many hours of sleep.

Relevant → I usually go on my phone and social media in the morning so by waking up earlier, I will feel calmer and not as rushed.

Time-Bound → In a month, I want to wake up an hour earlier than I wake up now.

We love SMART goals, and it only takes a few minutes to add this method to your New Year’s resolutions! Oftentimes, we tend to create unhealthy habits, putting immense pressure and stress on ourselves. To avoid that, we brainstormed some of our favorite healthy goals down below!

Healthy Goals We Love: 

  • Eating Healthier → Start cooking some new recipes, try meal-prepping or go to a new restaurant! Implement some new foods you want to try or substitute healthier options for some not-so-healthy meals. 

  • Limiting Electronics → Social media can be a big distraction and negatively affect mental health. Try to cut out screen time a few times a day or when you first wake up in the morning. 

  • Working Out → Try some new workout classes, go exercise with a friend or just start moving your body, whether it be for just 30 minutes a day or a few times a week! We love pilates or yoga. 

  • Meeting New People → Put yourself out there and reach out to someone new, or someone you haven’t talked to in a while! Grab a meal, coffee or hang out with a group of friends. 

  • Saving Money → Setting aside a little bit of money each month can help you significantly in the long run. Save extra cash, keep your change and budget! 


Be kind to yourself during the new year. Give yourself grace and remember that the small victories in completing your goals are just as important as the big ones. Get excited for 2023! We hope it’s a good one, and that it’ll be a new year, new you with some healthy and happy resolutions.