Social Media: Toxicity Turned Positivity

We hate to admit it, but we are all addicted to social media. Go check your screen time. Most of us probably spend at least five hours a day on our phones, and social media accounts for a large percentage of that. Aimlessly scrolling through Instagram or tapping through Snapchat stories has become so mundane that it’s not even exciting anymore. The only thing these big platforms want to do is keep us addicted, and that’s the truth. While there are some benefits to social media, they are being overshadowed by the toxicity of these apps. It is impossible to ignore the “red flags” of social media, yet we consistently open these same apps every day. 

Maybe this is all too niche for everyone to relate to, but the bottom line is that social media has fully taken over. But maybe 2022 is the year that some of this will change.  

While there will always be negative effects of social media, we want to highlight some of the positives because there are ways for social media to become a positive aspect of your life. 

On Instagram, only follow people or accounts that you WANT to follow. If you love dogs, follow dog accounts, or cooking pages, or literally whatever it is that brings you joy. It sounds obvious, we know, but so many of our feeds get weighted down with posts that are meaningless. So make them worth something! Instagram pays attention to what you click on and will adjust to who and what you interact with. Seeing posts and content that you truly enjoy will make you want to scroll through Instagram instead of feeling like you have to. For a lot of people, social media can be overwhelming because of the amount of posts or stories to go through. We know it can feel like you have to be “friends” with everyone you meet on social media - but you don’t. Having to look through a hundred-or-so posts a day is not enjoyable, so make sure the posts you see are meaningful.

The hashtag to make Instagram casual again started to re-appear towards the end of 2021, where people post more real life, unfiltered content - including funny selfies or random everyday photos. These pictures are simply just fun, and break the stereotype of only portraying a “perfect” life on social media. 

So basically, take a look at your social media and the impact it has on your life. Scrolling through posts shouldn’t be a burden, and it shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself either. Go live your life, and only post about it if you want to! 

LifestyleAnna Grenier