How to Do Paris (not the Emily in Paris Way)

If you’ve seen the infamous Netflix series, Emily in Paris, you know about the critiques it’s gotten for its unrealistic portrayal of French culture. If you haven’t seen it, the show follows Emily, a young American marketing executive that moves to Paris to work full-time. Emily glamorizes Paris for its Instagram-worthy sites and trendy cafes but doesn’t fully appreciate French culture. As a tourist, your perspective will be different from the locals. With this being said, diving into true French culture will enable you to learn much more during your travels while remaining respectful to Parisians. Here are some tips we have that might help you to avoid being the typical American tourist. 

Try to learn basic French. 

Unlike Emily, try to learn some basic French. When traveling to another country, it is a sign of respect to attempt to speak that country's native tongue. Emily refused to learn any French while living in Paris. Using basic phrases such as “bonjour,” “bonsoir,” or “merci” is much appreciated. 

If you’re taking photoshoots, you will stand out as a tourist.

While there are many Instagrammable shots in Paris, taking a million photos will automatically make you look like a tourist. Now, if that is your prerogative, go for it. However, photoshoots will likely increase the chances of pickpocketing. 

Don’t expect French people to accommodate American culture.

If you are in Paris, don’t expect Parisians to accommodate American culture just because it might make you a little bit more comfortable. We highly recommend researching French culture to be respectful of their customs, history, and traditions. In Emily in Paris, Emily often relies on things being done to fit her preferences and comfortability. We highly encourage you to immerse yourself in French culture by reaching outside your comfort zone. 

Parisians don't wear berets.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

While berets might be cute, Parisians don’t often wear them. Wearing berets, especially near touristy areas, will easily target you for pickpocketing. 

Parisians wear basic patterns.

Just because Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world doesn’t mean that locals are wearing flamboyant colors and patterns everyday. Most Parisians stick with basic pieces with a simple color pallet. Emily’s dramatic clothes on the show are examples of how to not blend in with Parisian fashion. Her colorful pieces and bold patterns make her look out of touch with society. 

Public transportation is the way to go in Paris.

Photo by Margerretta from Pexels

Public transportation is amazing in Paris and should be utilized. While Emily rode around in the back of a taxi while traveling, this is the most unrealistic and expensive way to get around. Paris’s metro system is the most efficient to get around the various districts. If you’re visiting, buying a weekend pass is the cheapest option. And as always, there is walking. While the city is large, walking around is the best way to explore the city. 

People are much friendlier when you say Bonjour.

Just the simple act of saying hello can go a long way. If you visit assuming French people are rude, then of course they will be. Common greetings are appreciated everywhere. 

If you’ve ever visited Paris, send us any tips you have @theedgemag!

TravelKelley Gosk