Getting Back Into The Swing of Things

Summer has come to a close, so it’s time to get back into the swing of things. Adjusting back to college life can be a bigger shift than you think, so it’s important to learn how we can help both ourselves and others get reacclimatized. This transition tends to be scary, but we have to remind ourselves that everyone is in the same boat. Whether you’re a freshman or an upperclassman, trying to get organized tends to bring on stress and anxiety. We at The Edge have some tips to help you get through it. 

Make a Calendar

A full class schedule floods right back in soon after arriving at school. Getting acclimated to this schedule can be difficult, but making a calendar can be a huge help. This can be as simple as the calendar on your phone or laptop, buying a planner or even just writing it down on paper. Start the calendar by blocking off when you have classes, as these are the times set in stone for the semester. From there, you have a visual of when you can incorporate time for other activities. 

Be Realistic 

Everyone wants their resumes to be packed full of activities to express involvement on campus, but we have to remind ourselves to be realistic. Take some time to assess which extracurriculars will be practical based on your class schedule. Have a lot of time-consuming work after classes? Take that into account before you find yourself making too many commitments. Then, make sure to integrate those activities into a calendar to keep in mind how the days will go. 

Get Some Fuel 

Don’t get me wrong, a Party Size bag of Doritos and laying in bed sounds amazing after a class, but we have to fuel our bodies. Making sure we get enough to eat will help to get us not only through the day, but to help us be the best version of ourselves! Not a dining hall person? Find some of your favorite recipes that are quick, easy, and multi-purpose. “The 5-Ingredient College Cookbook” is an absolute lifesaver! Many meals in this book can be saved for leftovers as well. Recipe books like these can bring some inspiration on how to stay healthy and get enough nutrition to prepare us for the day. 

Give Yourself a Break 

Take. A. Break. Regardless of how busy your schedule may be, always block out some time to take a breath. The stress that comes with being back to school has to be processed in some way, so taking some time to clear your mind and reset will be one of the most beneficial parts of the day. Some ways to do so include getting outside to go for a walk, doing yoga or even just taking some time away from the screens. Our minds need to rest, so take care of them. 

“Work Hard, Play Hard” 

College life is hectic and overwhelming, but we can’t let ourselves forget how much fun it is! Carve out time to hang out with friends. Overworking can cause social isolation, so it’s important to surround yourself with the people who bring positive energy into your life.  

The blatant truth is that college is hard. There’s so much going on and it can become stressful, but with that stress, we can find opportunities to grow and learn as students. Make the most of it! 

LifestyleMargo David