How To Clean Your Hairbrush

Let’s admit it — most of us probably can’t even remember when we bought our current hairbrush, let alone the last time we cleaned it. But, it’s important to be cleaning your hairbrush regularly to promote healthy hair growth and a clean scalp and discourage grease buildup. Deep cleaning your hairbrush is more than just taking out the old hair, so let’s walk through how to properly and thoroughly clean it.

Take out the hair

This step is probably one that you already do weekly. Take out the big wad of hair from the brush and then use a fine-toothed comb to pull out any remaining hair left behind.

Soak the brush

Fill a tub or your sink with hot water and add some shampoo. Let the brush soak in the soapy water for 10 to 15 minutes.


Start to clean the handle and head of the brush. You could use a nail brush, a clean toothbrush or even a dish brush to do this. Be sure to get in and around the bristles and scrub away any dirt or oils.

Baking Soda

This might sound weird, but the baking soda will act as an exfoliant for your brush and help scrub away any excess dirt. Just put a little on whatever scrub tool you’re using and scrub away!


Use clean, warm water to get rid of any shampoo or baking soda in the brush. Shake the brush out and lay it down on the bristle side to drain and dry.

Remember, all brushes are different, so make sure to do additional research based on the type of brush you own. For example, a wooden brush has very specific care instructions to ensure the wood doesn’t split. 

It’s recommended that you wash your brush biweekly, but let’s be real — most of us don’t have the time or energy to deep clean our brushes that often. As long as you do it when you can, you’re doing enough!

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis