Everything You Need to Know About the Five Love Languages

When we think of the word “love,” most of us usually jump straight to romance. With Valentine’s Day having just passed, our significant others (or secret crushes) are on the brain. As much as we love all things romantic and cheesy here at The Edge, there are also different types of love, such as platonic and familial. 

With so many different people to express our love to, it can be fun and beneficial to figure out the ways we prefer to show that love. In addition, it can also be helpful to understand how other people express their love toward us. Sometimes, people can express their love in ways that differ from our own. This can sometimes be confusing, but understanding the reasoning behind it can clear any misunderstandings. In this article, we will break down the five love languages and what those might look like. Keep in mind that the language you use to give love may be different than the language you’d prefer to receive love!

Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation means you enjoy verbal communication and reassurance that you are loved and appreciated. Words of affirmation can be a good way to express love to others who are often anxious or insecure. This love language helps loved ones stay in communication. These affirmations can be slipped into conversation, texted randomly or said in a sweet note. Here are some great words of affirmation to say:

  • “You mean so much to me”

  • “I’m so proud of you”

  • “You are so (kind, beautiful, inspiring, etc)”

  • “You make me so happy”

  • “I’m so thankful for you”

Physical Touch

Physical touch means you enjoy a tactile element in your relationships. Contrary to popular belief, physical touch doesn’t just mean sex. It can be the most innocent of touches and just wanting to be close to those you love. Some people have this love language towards their partner but not their family — it all depends on the person. Here are some examples of what it can look like:

  • An arm around the shoulders

  • Cuddling

  • A hand on the knee

  • Kissing/hugging

  • Back scratches or massages

Acts of Service

This love language is expressed through performing acts that make your loved ones’ lives easier. Many people with busy or stressful lives tend to love receiving acts of service and love when someone helps them out. These acts don’t have to be huge; even the smallest acts can count as an act of love. It may look like:

  • Filling up their emotional support water bottle

  • Taking out the trash

  • Brewing a cup of coffee

  • Cleaning without being asked

  • Refilling the Brita

Quality Time

If this is your love language, long-distance relationships may be difficult. This love language means you just want to be with the ones you love. The simple presence of those close to you fulfills your desires. What qualifies the time spent as “quality” is dependent on your preferences. Some ideas could be:

  • Having a sleepover

  • Going out to dinner

  • Cooking together

  • Watching a movie

  • Driving around and listening to music


Many people often use this love language to give love, but there’s no shame in enjoying the receiving aspect, too! Gift-giving is a way people love to express their love during holidays or special occasions. Even if the gift is small, it’s more the thought and effort that makes it special. People love to know that you’re thinking of them and things they might enjoy. Some ways to incorporate this language into your relationships are:

  • Picking up their favorite coffee or drink

  • Buying them flowers

  • Making them a card

  • Baking them a treat

  • Paying for your meal

No matter how you prefer to give or receive it, love is a beautiful thing that most of us are lucky enough to experience. Learning about your own love language can help you communicate with your partner, friends and family about what they can do to make you feel their love. In turn, learning about their love languages can help you be a better giver of love and grow even closer to them. To find out your love language, take this online quiz!

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis