An Upperclassman's Guide to Survival Without a Meal Plan

Becoming an upperclassman can be scary and challenging for a number of reasons, but don’t let not having a meal plan get the best of you! As many Elon students decide to move off campus for their final years of college, meal plans become somewhat obsolete. Even if you do live on campus as a junior or senior, many choose to navigate the world of cooking rather than spending a couple of thousand dollars on subpar dining hall food. Here at The Edge, we’re here to help you unleash your inner chef and learn all the ins and outs of navigating a meal planless lifestyle. 

Walking into the grocery store with no plan can be incredibly intimidating. With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and distracted. Don’t worry — we can help you overcome your supermarket anxiety! You’re going to want to start by setting a budget for yourself. If you’re balling on a tight budget, consider signing up for coupons or loyalty cards, as they both can help save a lot of money. 

After establishing your spending limit, you can start thinking about meals that you’re going to want to cook. TikTok, Pinterest and Instagram often have delicious and easy recipe inspiration. Grocery shopping doesn’t have to be a chore! Do a taco night with friends, coordinate a meal with your roommates or even buy a frozen meal or two for the nights you’re feeling lazy. Make sure to tackle your grocery shopping with an organized list. We promise this will make your life easier and cut your shopping time in half. 

Meal services are The Edge approved! If you’re looking to learn how to cook without taking trips to the grocery store, consider subscribing to a meal service like Hello Fresh or Blue Apron. With never-ending weekly promotions, how could you not give it a try? Always save your recipe cards for inspiration on a night where you’re unsure of what to cook. 

Something that many students without a meal plan struggle with is eating lunch when on campus. With back-to-back classes, it can be time-consuming to try and run home for food when you only have 20 minutes, and for those of us who get hangry…. not eating is NOT an option. It’s always a good idea to have protein-packed snacks for on-the-go. Granola bars and fruit are always great options for refueling your body. Also, try to aim to eat bigger meals before the start of your day to avoid the mid-class stomach growling (it happens to the best of us). If you’re really feeling desperate, find a freshman friend and borrow a swipe; we all know they have more than anyone could ever use!

LifestyleSamantha Resnick