So What’s the Deal With Crystal Deodorant?

Rubbing a mineral on your armpits might seem a little bizarre, but many swear by this natural odor eliminator. What has been gaining popularity on TikTok is actually a natural product that has been around since the ‘80s. Lately, it has been becoming more mainstream as people discover it’s better for the environment, is more affordable, lasts longer and uses natural ingredients. So, what exactly is crystal deodorant, and how does it work?

What is it, really?

Crystal deodorant isn’t the same as the spray or stick you’re likely using currently. A lot of the deodorant we use are actually antiperspirants and use fragrance to reduce odor. Many contain aluminum that blocks the sweat glands and prevents us from sweating excessively.

Dr. Anna Guanch, an anti-aging and beauty expert, spoke with The Healthy about crystal deodorant and how it works. According to her, crystal deodorant isn’t actually a crystal. It’s really “a salt mineral made through potassium alum that has natural antimicrobial and antibacterial properties” that happens to look like a beautiful crystal.

What makes it work?

This type of deodorant is fragrance-free and won’t prevent you from actually sweating the way that typical deodorant does. Contrary to popular belief, sweat actually doesn’t have an odor. The moisture under your pits isn’t what’s making you stink. The unpleasant odor comes from the sweat combining with the bacteria on your skin.

The point of crystal deodorant is solving the stinky problem at its root. While it doesn’t prevent the sweat itself, it works to detoxify your pits and prevent bacteria build up, which is what causes odor. Instead of masking odor, it stops it before it starts. In theory, you’ll sweat but not smell.

How is it used?

You probably currently use one of four deodorant methods: the stick of thin cream that you roll onto your pits, a spray, a gel or a wipe. This deodorant works completely differently than any of those methods. The crystal itself is dry, and all you need to do is add a little bit of water to make it glide smoothly onto your underarms.

As mentioned before, it’s fragrance free and should last up to 24 hours. It’s non-irritating, so those with sensitive skin can rejoice! It also leaves no sticky residue or white/yellow stains on your clothing, unlike some other types of deodorant. 

In conclusion…

As we all know, no two bodies are the same. A product that works for one person’s odor problem may not work for yours. While many swear by the deodorizing properties of crystal deodorant, there’s always a chance that you may not find as much success. 

Also, keep in mind that this product is meant to reduce smell, not sweat. If you tend to sweat excessively and moisture is your main concern, then this may not be the deodorant for you.