It’s Spring Break: Time to Catch Up on You

What a semester it has been. While keeping up with our academics in terms of midterms, last minute assignments and just trying to keep the year going strong, it’s been exhausting. Spring break couldn’t have come at a better time. Here at The Edge, we know how exhausted you all might feel! Whether or not you're going home for spring break or lounging on the beach, we have some tips for you to make the most out of it! 

A week off might feel like a long time, but it flies by quickly! What better way to let yourself reenergize then to catch up on some sleep. Imagine you're on the beach, with a nice book in your hand, as you doze off to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. As college students, we fall into the category of individuals who survive off of little to no sleep, prioritizing academics, social lives and jobs first. We recommend that it’s time to let your body and mind rejuvenate from the exhausting semester we’ve endured! Sleep helps repair the body. The damage we sustain every day — from stress, pollutants, infection, sun exposure, etc. — is naturally repaired through sleep while also reducing stress in the process. After a good night's sleep, thoughts are clearer, reactions are faster and emotions are less fragile.

It’s never too late to do some activities you might not necessarily have time to do at school with busy schedules! Whether it be reading a new book — one we would recommend is “Why Men Love Bitches” by Sherry Argov — or even just taking the time to go for a walk, going on a bike ride or just playing your favorite songs while watching the sunset can help heal us from the constant need to be doing something. It’s okay to take a break from life and just focus on you and what makes you happy. 

If you are going anywhere warm or sunny this spring break, we would like to preface the importance of sunscreen! As fun as it is to tan and be sunkissed, sun damage and skin cancer are no joke! Remember to wear your sunscreen; your skin will thank you later. We recommend using eco-friendly sunscreen because some products have been found to be harmful to the environment. SafeSea sunscreen, as well as SunBum, are two good alternatives that will provide protection from the UV rays and the environment. 

We hope that you enjoy and make the most out of your break, and we can’t wait for you all to come back feeling energized and relaxed in attempts to end the semester in a breeze!