Calling all IBS Girlies

Tummy troubles happen to the best of us and always at the worst times. After a while you’d think we know our bodies. Then, all of a sudden, your stomach throws a curveball that you certainly did not see coming. You’ve tried everything: cutting out foods and medication, using a heating pad and nothing seems to work. Don’t worry, you're not alone. Here at The Edge, we’ve got your back and your stomach; let's talk about gut health and how we can stop your tummy from turning.

Our stomachs can be bothersome for a number of reasons, but 9 times out of 10 it has a little something to do with gut health. Many of us hear the term ‘gut health’ and automatically assume it means having a healthy stomach, but in reality, it is so much more than that. To start, your gut does not end or begin with your stomach. It includes many parts of the digestive system ranging from the esophagus to the intestines to the rectum. In order to avoid excessive bloating, urgent trips to the bathroom or gas, it is important to know that gut health is about making sure you have more good or healthy bacteria than bad or harmful bacteria. 

What causes poor gut health you may ask? An imbalance of excess harmful bacteria can be caused by taking antibiotics, food poisoning, traveling or eating foods that upset your stomach. The bad bacteria can quickly change your stomach habits and leave you running to the bathroom. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that consistently affects many people with poor gut health. Let’s break down how we can improve our gut health and begin feeling better than ever. 

Contrary to popular belief, gut health does not primarily rely on the foods you eat. Yes, eating healthy foods plays a role in good gut health, but there are so many other things you can do to leave your tummy feeling better. You can start by getting more sleep and attempting to lower your stress levels (We know, easier said than done). Also, taking a prebiotic or probiotic can be a game changer, especially if you are taking antibiotics, which throw off your usual gut bacteria levels. Prebiotics provide food for good bacteria to grow and create an environment that is beneficial for your overall gut health.

Lucky for us, we live in a time when we have access to many delicious yet gut-healthy food and beverage options. Currently trending on social media are healthy sodas like Poppi or Olipop. These drinks boast prebiotic gut health benefits and still taste like a deliciously refreshing soda, without the negative implications of a regular soda. You can also try to eat more fiber, collagen-boosting foods, and fermented foods, all of which improve the gut microbiome.

IBS girlies don’t gatekeep. We all deserve to have our stomachs feeling better and not feel the need to always know where the nearest bathroom is. Next time your stomach begins to churn, check yourself and think about what you could be doing to better your gut health. We promise, your stomach will thank you later!