Bags on a Budget
Everyone knows how exciting it is when you get a new bag that you’ve been so pumped about and cannot wait to show off. That being said, everyone also knows how expensive new bags are, and we aren’t looking to dent our wallets that much — especially on a college budget.
But don’t you worry! Here at The Edge, we’re obsessed with bags and know that they bring every outfit together and allow us to really show off some personal style. College is definitely not the time we can afford designer bags, so we’re going to show you some of our favorite ‘dupes’ and how you can still have an impressive bag collection on a budget.
Has everyone else been seeing the infamous Marc Jabobs Tote Bag all over TikTok? We have, too. The real bags are over $400, and on our budget, that’s just not going to work. It’s a good thing that Amazon gives us plenty of similar options to choose from at a way lower price.
The brand NEGBIU sells an almost-replica of the Marc Jacobs brand in multiple color-ways for under $40!
This bag is so cute and stylish and gives off the same effect as the real designer bag at a MUCH lower price. Another bonus is that the bag is pretty big and can fit a lot of stuff, perfect for busy days running errands or even as a school bag!
On the topic of tote bags, Urban Outfitters has an excellent and affordable collection of adorable tote bags that are the perfect addition to your spring wardrobe.
The BDG Mini Canvas Tote Bag is only $19 and is so convenient for walking around town; it carries all the essentials. It features dual haul handles and adjustable webbing straps that you can also remove. It comes in the colors Ivory and Black and is very friendly on a college budget. An added bonus: these bags will look cute with any outfit.
Just like every other college girl, here at The Edge, we’re obsessed with Princess Polly and all of their trendy pieces — especially their adorable bags, that for the most part stay on the affordable side. For example, the Emile Shoulder Bag has a faux patent material with fake crocodile print, making it look much more expensive than it actually is. At $35, this bag is unique and stylish and will elevate any outfit — absolutely perfect for a girl's night out.
We hope that we’ve given you some inspiration for how to elevate your bags and style without breaking the bank. These pieces are absolutely adorable and super affordable on a college budget. Like we said before, looking cute on a budget is much easier than people think, and we hope this list has given you some helpful ideas.