In the Market for a Spring Fling? Tips and Tricks for Finding Red Flags and Guarding Your Heart

Spring is the time for lots of exciting things. For starters, you have spring break, warm weather, flowers are blooming and so much more. With that comes new beginnings and, possibly, new relationships. If you’re looking for someone to snuggle up with this spring, you might be nervous to let your guard down because you’ve been hurt in the past. Well, we at The Edge are here to help you protect yourself and watch out for those red flags before it’s too late.

Trust me; we’re all guilty of overlooking red flags ourselves, but it’s time to change that narrative. First off, let’s talk about Snapchat. When a guy chooses Snapchat to be the main form of communication instead of asking for your number, that most definitely should sound the alarms. Like, come on people! Aren’t we getting too old for that now? Odds are, if the guy asks for your Snapchat right off the bat, he’s not interested in taking you out on a proper date to get to know you. He is probably just seeking nudes or wants to sext. This also probably means he is talking to multiple other girls and doesn’t want to answer questions about your name popping up on his phone. Don’t settle for less than going on dates, talking on the phone or texting. Remember, you deserve the world and more. 

Another thing with Snapchat that we have probably all been guilty of checking (numerous) times in the past is Snap Maps and Snap Score. This is a dangerous habit to get into because we can form false situations in our heads. You can think that the guy is ignoring you when, in reality, he is just busy. It is not your job to know a person’s every move. The motto of this spring is attract, never chase. If you radiate positivity into the universe, you will attract more kind-hearted people. If you encourage toxic habits by constantly stalking your S/O on Snapchat, you are bound to experience anxiety. 

Let’s be honest — sometimes as females, we are guilty of getting attached much quicker than men, especially after having intercourse. I mean, it’s a scientific fact; oxytocin is “found more abundantly in females.” This explains why women are oftentimes more likely to catch feelings after sex. A tip to avoid this is to NOT HAVE SEX RIGHT OFF THE BAT, especially if you don’t fully trust that person yet. You can avoid so much hurt and heartache if you treat your body like a temple rather than giving yourself away the first time (unless you know you are capable of not getting emotionally attached, then you do you, girl!) So ultimately, just saying no could be the best way to go.

All-in-all, you are completely capable of making your own decisions, and what’s best for somebody else may not be the best thing for you. So, listen to your heart and protect your feelings at all costs. Though we are most certainly not relationship experts, following these tips and dipping at the first sign of a red flag might be the best way for you to develop a successful, loving and trustworthy relationship.