Dress Like Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology can tell you many things about life: how one feels about something, weaknesses and strengths, love, family life and most importantly…fashion. Are you someone who enjoys turning heads and having all eyes on you? Are you someone who is more introverted and prefers simplicity over extravagance? This isn’t by choice, but by fate. We have organized a list of fashion inspirations for you to wear based on your zodiac sign!

FIRE SIGNS (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs are some of the most passionate people you could ever meet. When they have their mind set on something, they’ll go for it! Fire signs are known for their immaculate charm, energy and fiery attitude. Since fire signs are categorized as masculine, they tend to be the ones to take charge and lead the trends. We decided to pair this silver sequin party top with these low-rise jeans because fire signs love to have a good time!

WATER SIGNS (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

When you think of water signs, what comes to mind? Emotional, intuitive, sentimental and sensitive are just a few words that we can think of to describe any Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Just like their element, water signs tend to absorb the energy around them and like to be surrounded by the right people. However, these signs are more than just their vigorous emotions. These people will lead a life with their hearts and make many of their decisions based on their incredible intuition. 

AIR SIGNS (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)

The air signs are the doers, thinkers and communicators of the zodiac. They tend to go through life with ease and are always down for some fun. The air signs tend to be called the “smarties” of the zodiac, and they lead with their brain and not the heart. They have the availability to see problems with an intellectual perspective instead of emotions. If you need an honest opinion about a particular photo or idea, call an air sign. 

EARTH SIGNS (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Hence being the Earth element, earth signs are some of the most grounded people on this planet. They’re always keeping it real. They’re known for intelligence, honesty and having a stable mindset. If you need real hard relationship advice, phone an earth sign. It takes a lot to make an earth sign frustrated, but when they do, good luck! 

Have fun shopping!