In Need of a Summer Bucket List?

With the end of the year quickly approaching, many of us have our hearts set on summer. Having so much free time can sometimes be an overwhelming and stark contrast to the structure we have in college. No need to worry, The Edge has carefully curated your summer bucket list. Whether you live on the coast or smack in the middle of the country, here are some things you need to add to your summer now!

  • Go to a concert. 

    • Regardless of where you live, there is always a concert venue a drive away. Going to concerts with your friends is such a fun summer activity. Nothing beats the vibe of a cheap country concert on the lawn, belting your heart out. But, if country music isn’t your thing, check out your favorite artists and see when they’re coming to your hometown.

  • Take a trip to the beach or the lake.

    • After a long semester, we are all in need of some relaxation. You may not live near a beach, so in that case, find a local lake. Stick your toes in the sand, put on some music and watch your worries slip away almost like free therapy. 

  • Take advantage of time with family. 

    • While it can be hard to re-adjust to being home and under the grasp of your parents again, don’t take this time with them for granted. Let’s skip over the part where you pretend you didn’t miss them. Don’t forget — you are their pride and joy, so you might as well embrace it and give your family the quality time with you that they’ve been missing oh so much. 

  • Have a picnic.

    • Recreate the Pinterest board that you’ve been dreaming about! Grab your favorite wine, a homemade charcuterie board, a blanket and a camera. Spruce up your Instagram feed with sunset picnic pics. We love when you can be trendy and budget-friendly!

  • Take a road trip.

    • Some of the best memories are made on the road when there is nothing else to do but talk and soak up the company of friends and family. This is also a great opportunity to discover new music or podcasts. Whether you’re driving for one hour or six hours, don’t miss the beauty of a good old-fashioned road trip. 

  • READ.

    • Many of us are traumatized from being forced to read Shakespeare and Hemingway in high school. But, when it comes to books, it’s all about finding your niche and exploring what’s out there. Make it your mission to find books that you love and kick back with a good read.

  • Do a hometown bar crawl.

    • After turning 21, heading to your hometown bars with your friends is an experience like no other. Don’t miss out on this coming-of-age moment with your childhood best friends. 

  • Soak up the sunshine.

    • For those of us who don’t live in a tropical place year-round, we know the sunshine is fleeting. Whether it’s laying outside, taking a walk, or going on a drive, make sure to spend some time outdoors catching the rays of sunshine. 

  • Get a job.

    • Trust us, your bank account will thank you later. While working a summer job does not sound ideal, we tend to forget just how much free time we have. The nice thing about the current job market is that EVERYONE is hiring. If you find something you love then working won’t seem all that treacherous. 

There you have it — a perfect summer bucket list. Whenever you’re feeling bored or unsure of what to do this summer, just remember The Edge has done all the research so you don't have to. Happy summer-ing!