Five Ways that Failure Builds Character

Drop a plate at your waitressing job? Mess up a spreadsheet in the office? Make a terrible relationship call? We all fail sometimes. The toxic culture of our society rejects failure and promotes success, but no one seems to talk about all the benefits of failing and falling down every once in a while. It builds character and makes us stronger, more resilient and more empathetic to others. Failure is something that everyone goes through at one point or another, so let’s stop pretending it doesn’t happen and embrace it. 

Failure forces you to step out of your comfort zone.

Being fired is humbling, to say the least. While it may not feel good at the moment, it could be that extra push you needed to chase your dreams. We all become victims of being too comfortable in our routines. Failure forces you to remove that level of comfortability, reassess your past decisions and ultimately decide if you want to take your life down a different path. Test the waters and see where life will take you. 

 Everything happens for a reason.

Here at The Edge, we believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we subconsciously fail because we know that it’s not what we’re most passionate about, or there are more important things at hand. Whatever it may be, everything happens for a reason. It may take time to realize it, but sooner or later it will all make sense.

Failure reminds you that nothing is set in stone.

 Many people have their entire lives planned out before they’ve even started. While failing might knock you down a peg or two, it, more importantly, reminds you that nothing is a given. But, just because you have a bump in the road along the way does not mean you cannot achieve your ultimate goals in life. It means it’s time to sit down and re-evaluate, which can unknowingly change your life for the better. 

 Learn to appreciate your success.

After working at a job or task for a long period of time, success can become lackluster. Experiencing failure allows you to reflect on all of your past successes and everything you learned from that opportunity. You may have to pivot away from what you had planned, but you will remember the feeling of success and chase it until you're conquering your new goals.

It builds resilience and motivation skills. 

Just like when you were five years old and on the soccer field, when you fell down you were told to get right back up. Nothing has changed. While failing may suck at first, it teaches you invaluable resiliency and motivation skills that can be applied personally and professionally. Ultimately, you’ll come back stronger, more driven and ready to tackle whatever challenges and new opportunities that come your way. 

Ultimately, life is not about your failures; it’s about what you do as a result of that failure and how you changed your life and learned for the better. Don’t let failure knock you down. Let it give you the strength to soar to new heights.