Underrated Beauty and Wellness Tips

We at The Edge wanted to share some beauty and wellness tips to help you look and feel your best!

Bone broth 

Bone broth is said to be the secret to anti- aging, filled with rich nutrients, minerals and digestive enzymes that help strengthen your bones and fill your skin with extra collagen. 

Dry brushing 

Dry brushing has gotten a lot of attention recently. It’s beneficial because it promotes blood flow throughout the body, unclogs pores and exfoliates, leaving your skin feeling fresh and smooth! 

Lemon water 

We know this one is popular, but we somehow never know what it’s really there for. A glass or two a day of lemon water helps digestion, skin elasticity, boosts heart health and is great for preventing bad breath! 

Key places to moisturize 

We all know moisturizing and lotion is helpful to keep skin looking smooth and youthful. However, always remember to moisturize your hands and neck. Those places are the first to start showing signs of aging.

How to properly massage your face 

Do guasha and sculpting ring a bell? These tricks work; however, you don’t have to go out of your way to purchase fancy items to get the same results. All you need to do is wash your hands and gently rub your face in circular motions moving outward. Similar to what dry brushing does, it brings blood flow to the face. 


Saunas are scientifically proven to be good for your heart health, relaxation and chronic pain. The reason they’ve made it onto this list is because they also help produce collagen! The heat in the saunas improves collagen production by helping your skin rid of dead skin cells all while promoting growth for new layers of skin. 

Silk sleeping accessories 

Silk is a great product for your skin and hair because the fibers are silky smooth preventing tearing of the hair and stretching in the skin compared to cotton or regular pillow cases. It’s helpful for your eyes because it’s great for smooth skin and to prevent crow’s eyes.

Replacing sugar with fruit  

This one is a no-brainer for your physical health. Sugar breaks down collagen and elasticity in your skin, creating early onset wrinkles and loose skin. Replacing candy sugar with natural fruit sugar helps combat the negative effects of sugar. However, while we’re young, eat whatever the hell you want!

We hope you try some of these tips out, and be sure to let us know what you think!