A Journey To Finding Self-Love This Summer

With summertime in full swing now, it's the perfect time to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Many of us are participating in internships, whether that be in-person or remote. But finding that balance between work and play becomes increasingly crucial for those in a remote setting. As the sun shines bright, let's dive into the art of balance — whether that be in remote internships, maintaining relationships, avoiding the pitfalls of isolation, embracing our bodies, and nurturing our mental well-being. So, grab your metaphorical backpack, and let's embark on a transformative adventure this summer!

Remote Internships: The Art of Finding Balance 

Working a remote internship can be both exciting and challenging. Establish a dedicated workspace, set clear boundaries, and stick to a consistent schedule to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Take regular breaks, practice mindfulness, and stay organized to maximize productivity. Remember, self-love means valuing your time and well-being, even in the virtual workplace.

Nurturing Relationships: Staying Connected 

While working remotely, it's essential to maintain meaningful connections. Schedule things on the weekends, whether it be trips with friends, lunch dates, shopping or coffee. As many of us are in our twenties looking for meaningful love connections, you can even go out on a date (or multiple dates) to try and experiment and find out the qualities you like or dislike in a person. Explore shared interests, have heart-to-heart conversations and make time for loved ones. Summer is most definitely the time to invest in relationships and foster a sense of belonging, which contributes to personal growth.

Escaping the Nest: Embrace the Outdoors

Don't let a remote internship confine you within the four walls of your home. Make it a point to step outside, breathe in the fresh air and soak up the sun. Explore nearby parks, go for walks or hikes, or engage in outdoor activities like swimming, cycling or yoga. Nature has a way of rejuvenating our souls and reminding us of the beauty around us. 

Body Love: Embrace Your Unique Beauty 

Summer is an excellent time to practice body acceptance and self-love. Wear clothes that make you feel confident, regardless of societal norms or expectations. Engage in activities that make you feel good, like going to the beach, exercising or going out dancing. Remember, your body is your temple, and each curve, mark or scar tells a unique story that makes you beautiful.

Prioritizing Mental Well-being: Self-Care Above All 

Amidst the summer adventures, always remember the importance of self-care. Take time to recharge, engage in joyful activities, and practice mindfulness and gratitude. Prioritize sleep, nourish your body with nutritious food and indulge in activities that relax your mind, such as reading, painting or listening to music. Remember, self-love starts from within and radiates outward.

As you embark on a journey of self-love, remember that it's a process, not a destination. Embrace the unique challenges of remote internships, foster meaningful relationships, connect with nature, guard against isolation, celebrate your body, and prioritize mental well-being. Stay curious, be kind to yourself and let this summer be the beginning of a lifelong adventure toward self-discovery and self-love.

Have any tips for navigating your journey to self-love? Let us know here @theedgemag!