Navigating the Senior Scaries

We know — it’s only September. But when you’re a college senior, thinking about the future is inevitable, especially when you don’t know what’s coming next. Worrying about life after college is the last way you want to spend your last semesters at school. Here is some Edge-approved advice to help ease your mind regarding post-grad life (because we need to take our own advice too)!

1. Your feelings are completely valid. 

Having feelings of anxiety or uncertainty can feel very isolating, but just know that you are not alone. Acknowledge your feelings. Talk about them with your friends because chances are they feel the same way. Practicing self-care can soothe the anxiety that you’re feeling.

2. Utilize campus resources. 

Going to the job fair or the career center may be the last thing you want to do, but you should take advantage of all the extra help and guidance you can get! Making connections and networking is the fastest route to getting a job, so make sure you are getting your name out there. LinkedIn is a great place to start making connections, especially with Elon alumni at companies you’re interested in working for. 

3. Start saving money. 

We know it can be challenging, but a lot of post-grad anxiety comes from finances. The best thing you can do for your future self is to start saving your money. Before you buy something, consider if you really need it. Another good way to save money is limiting the amount you eat out at restaurants. This also allows you to practice your chef skills in preparation for post-grad life!

4. Take things one day at a time. 

This is easier said than done, but don’t waste your last year of college worrying about the future every day. Soak up that time living with your best friends, going out and being care-free. Creating realistic goals for yourself can really help you take things day by day. As you achieve your milestones throughout the year, you’ll be able to compartmentalize and feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Enjoy and value every day you have.

5. Get comfortable with change.

You have the rest of your adult life to get comfortable in your habits, but now is not that time. It is difficult to experience change, but you must step out of your comfort zone. A good way to hold yourself accountable is to say “YES!” to everything. You won’t regret it. 

6. Know that this isn’t the end of a good life. 

Wherever you end up after college, it is just the beginning of your adult life; don’t overthink it! You may hate your job or your apartment. You might realize it isn’t the city for you. But that is all okay and part of the learning process of becoming an adult. Experimenting is the key to finding what and who you want to be in life. You may be closing one chapter of your life, but the rest is just beginning.

How are you navigating the senior scaries? Share with us on socials @theedgemag!

LifestyleSamantha Resnick