What We're NOT Doing This Summer

We all know what we are doing this summer, but what about the things we plan to leave behind with the spring? Think of facets like finals we’ve studied enough for or allergies we’ve suffered through - the many parts of the spring that must be left behind in order to achieve a great summer. Don’t know where to start? Here at The Edge, we have a plan per usual. Here are 5 things that we are NOT doing this summer.

We’re not acting like side characters. 

Life is too short to act like a side character, and one summer is an even smaller fraction of the precious time we’re granted. So, we are not acting like side characters this summer but rather like main characters. Instead of hiding the true you, embrace all the chaotic and flaw-filled pieces that make you unique. We know countless people say it, but it’s time to realize that nobody cares about us as much as we think they do. Everyone is too focused on their own lives. We should and will be the center of our own story. Wear what you want to wear, say what you want to say, and live your life with purpose and with power. Start living YOUR life.

We’re not frying our skin off. 

Summer means sun, which means a magnificent tan. But a magnificent tan does not mean sitting outside for hours with nothing but oil and a bikini on. We have to protect our skin, not only to defend our complexions but our long-term health. When basking under the bright rays of the sunshine this summer, we will also apply a generous amount of SPF. We know you want tan lines to show off, but this summer is for glowing, not for frying. 

We’re not shutting ourselves inside. 

To go along with the section above, although we are not frying our skin off, we are also not shutting ourselves indoors for the entire summer. The correct amount of sun exposure boosts vitamin D, supports bone health, and regulates blood and sugar levels. 10 minutes of sunlight a day has its benefits. Bring the morning coffee outside, take your dog on a walk, do anything you’d like to do. Please, just let the light in a little bit.

We’re not forgetting to hydrate. 

With the healthy amount of time we will be spending outside for the next few months, we better be refilling our water bottles. This summer, we are not forgetting to hydrate. We’ve heard time and time again that increased hydration clears skin, but it also increases brain function and regulates digestion. Those huge, water-tracking bottles may look comically large, but right now they’re appearing a tad more desirable. Add electrolytes, ice, fruit, whatever may please your taste buds, and drink away. 

We’re not comparing ourselves to others. 

Summer provides the most optimal setting for sunset photos, rooftop group selfies, and salty swim shoots. That said, we all inevitably scroll mindlessly through our social media platforms at the end of our long days and compare ourselves to our peers. We judge who is having the best time based on like counts, picturesque settings, and tagged friends. This summer, turn off that like count (it’s truly unnecessary), take candid photos with people you love, and collect a camera roll you can look back on and smile at. Comparison is the thief of joy - do not let it steal this summer, too.

Is there anything you are NOT doing this summer? Tag us @theedgemag to let us know!