Rejuvenate, Reset, Repeat: Morning and Night Routines

If you’re anything like us at The Edge, you hit the snooze button until you have to practically run to class. When the day is done and it’s time to unwind, we are guilty of choosing to scroll TikTok instead of reading a book to rest our eyes from all blue light activity. 

It’s normal. It’s routine. But it doesn’t have to be! Having a proper morning and night routine allows you to reach full productivity, and reduces stress and brain fog.

We at The Edge have found a few healthy habits to incorporate into your daily routine to make the most of each day!

In the morning…

No phone for the first 30 minutes of the day. As soon as we wake up everyday, our brain is searching for a dopamine hit. Scrolling through your phone in the morning sets you up to seek that craving throughout the rest of your day. This inevitably leads to less productivity, but one way to break this habit is to keep your phone across the room, and only click it to stop your alarm.

The 5-4-3-2-1 rule. Mel Robbins, New York Times bestselling author, discusses the 5-4-3-2-1 method on her daily show, The Mel Robbins Podcast. Essentially, the moment your alarm goes off in the morning, mentally count down from 5 to mentally prepare yourself to rise and break the tendency to hit the snooze button. By forming this habit, you are bound to wake up quickly rather than waste time on your phone or sleeping the morning away. 

Wake up at a consistent time. Most of us think we should only wake up early if we have an 8AM. However, it’s healthier for your body's circadian rhythm to rise and rest at the same time each day. Waking up and starting your day by working out or going to the library to crank out work is the best way to keep a consistent routine and state of productivity.

A cold water boost. If you prefer morning showers, turning the setting to cold is the best way to wake yourself up in the morning. Not only does it jolt you awake, but it’s been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Save the hot showers for nighttime when it’s time to wind down and relax.

Morning movement and mindfulness. Morning movement increases our focus and energy by getting blood flowing before a long day. Morning runs or walks help improve our circadian rhythm by exposing us to sunlight in the morning.

At night…

Limit your screen time. Blue light activity from screens disrupts melatonin production and confuses our brain on the proper time to rest. Setting aside 30 to 60 minutes before bed to naturally rest your eyes is healthy for circadian rhythm and beneficial in separating our reality from a technology driven world.

Skincare and hygiene. Ensuring your skin is reset before bed is important, as it allows our skin to repair itself as we sleep and prevents clogged pores. In addition to cleansing and moisturizing, skin care practices like using a gua sha, which promotes lymphatic drainage, is a beneficial step.

Sleepy tea. A lot of tea contains caffeine, which is exactly what we’d want to avoid when getting ready to sleep. Before-bed teas, such as Sleepytime tea or Nighty Night Extra tea, contain passionflower, lavender and chamomile, which have been proven to improve sleep quality.

Read a book. Reading is a great habit to incorporate before bed to replace your phone. It signals to our brain that it’s time to unwind and increases melatonin production. Reading stimulates your imagination turning daytime thoughts into nighttime dreams. Not only does it promote vocabulary development, but it enhances your critical thinking skills, which is vital to succeed in your day to day routine. 

What tips are you going to add to your daily routine? DM us @theedgemag on Instagram and let us know!

LifestyleOlivia Grady