Winning Without Words: Why Walking Away Speaks Louder
Have your parents ever told you the saying “hurt people, hurt people”? Basically, it means that individuals who are hurting are going to hurt others because they’re angry and want to take it out on someone else. We truly never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. Now, that doesn’t give them the right to be mean, but it gives you the fuel to walk away. Don’t continue the cycle. We guarantee you that simply ignoring, walking away and brushing their rude opinions off your shoulders is WAY better than trying to retaliate.
We too have been in countless situations where we find ourselves as the brunt of the joke, perhaps hearing rude things being said or being insulted directly. We know it’s awkward and hurtful! It sucks. It just does, and we totally get it. Because we’re all human, your initial reaction is probably going to be anger and annoyance, upset that someone else thinks it’s okay to speak rudely about you, and you’re probably going to want to retaliate. But we GUARANTEE you that person is saying hurtful things with the wish of getting a reaction out of you. So don’t give them one! Don’t add fuel to the already existing fire!
Listen, it’s a lot easier said than done, we completely understand. But as soon as you begin adopting the practice of simply walking away, the easier it’ll be to continue and soon enough, you simply won’t care. We like to think about it like this: is whatever this person is saying to you or about you truly going to impact your life in a significant way? Most often, the answer is no. You will probably forget about them anyway. So don’t let yourself get all fired up because that is what they want. Don’t give them that!
Winning without words is something that is difficult at first, but is truly the most powerful thing to incorporate into your life and social situations. The next time someone says something hurtful to you, simply ignore it! Don’t respond, walk away, and if you have to stay in the conversation for whatever reason, just smile and change the subject. Don’t let them bring you down, you are so much better and stronger than that!
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Here are some of our tips: if someone says something negative directly to your face, don’t respond in a rude or defensive way. Just change the subject or just smile and walk away (this is usually the better option!). We want to make it clear: this isn’t you running away from a conversation or disagreement, it’s simply choosing NOT to waste your energy on someone who clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart. And why would you want to be associated with someone like that anyway? Just walk away! Protect your peace!
Of course, we understand there's an exception to the 'Winning Without Words' approach–your family. If someone says something rude about your family, it's completely natural to feel protective. In these cases, it’s perfectly reasonable to respond politely but firmly to set boundaries. Stand your ground, address the comment, and then walk away. Try to squash the negativity quickly; their behavior likely stems from jealousy or other personal issues. Do your best to brush it off and keep your peace intact!
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If you take anything away from this article, let it be this: Just. Walk. Away. The power of silence speaks significantly louder than any words will. Don’t give those who hurt you the power to hold anything over you. Think of it like throwing out the trash - once it’s in the garbage, just walk away and don’t ever think about it again! You can do it! We believe in you. Go win without using your words, and we promise you will live with so much more gratitude and peace.