Catch That Much Needed Sunlight

Photo from Pinterest

Hey Spring Breakers! Excited to travel to warm weather and spend your days soaking up the sun? We here at The Edge are too! But, did you know that your much needed vacation will also have significant health benefits? Not only will you have a week of no stress and relaxation, but with this extra sunlight comes a surge of a hormone that you may unknowingly lack: Vitamin D. But what are the benefits, and why is it so important for your body to have a sufficient amount?


Vitamin D is essential for the health and wellness of our bodies. It is a necessity in order to facilitate healthy immune system function, is essential for preventing the common cold, and it can reduce the risk of several cancers! It also lowers body inflammation, regulates blood sugar, and is a hormone that controls calcium levels in the blood, ultimately aiding in the growth and development of bones and teeth. Vitamin D isn’t just essential for maintaining physical health, though; it is also necessary for boosting mood and lowering risk of depression. Ever notice how sunny days instantly lift your spirits? That’s Vitamin D at work in your body! Studies show that low Vitamin D is responsible for causing anxiety and depression, so getting enough is key for staying both happy and healthy!

Sources of Vitamin D

Unsurprisingly, the best source of Vitamin D is from sun exposure. Just 10-30 minutes per day will have your body glowing from the inside out! However, too much exposure to UV rays can cause skin and eye damage, sunburns, and even skin cancer. So while you’re packing for your next island vacation, we at The Edge recommend packing your favorite beach hat, sunglasses, and SPF30 (or higher) so you can enjoy the sunlight without the stress! Even if the UV index isn’t looking too promising for tanning, just being physically active in the outdoors produces vital amounts of the hormone. While most of us know Vitamin D as being sourced from sunlight, or UV rays, it is also common in many foods such as fish, eggs, and mushrooms. Finally, if recommended by a doctor, taking Vitamin D supplements could be more fitting and convenient. Here are some we are raving about!

Thorne Vitamin D Liquid – $19

Photo from Thorne

Photo from NOW Foods

Photo from Better Way Health

Bottom Line?

Spring break isn’t just the perfect time to relax and recharge after these stressful semesters, but is also an opportunity to give your body the Vitamin D it needs! So go embrace the sunshine, your body will thank you.