Healthy Life Habits for the Busy College Student

As a first-year student, I have been struggling to keep up with the healthier habits that I used to stick to at home. Without my mom cooking homemade meals and my dad encouraging me to exercise, I’ve found myself lacking in the self-care department and I’ve begun convincing myself that I’m “too busy” to be healthy. In an effort to break this cycle, I made a list of easy healthy habits that can make a significant difference in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.



-       Eat breakfast. Whether you’re up early for an 8am or rolling out of bed at noon, make sure to start your day with a meal – even if it’s just a Nature Valley granola bar or a cup of yogurt.

-       Drink water. Drinking water seems like a given, but I know that when I have a super busy day, I sometimes forget to hydrate. Make sure to have a water bottle with you at all times to replenish and keep your body healthy and focused.

-       Limit junk foods and soda. Make it easier to eat right by avoiding shopping while hungry, and not buying snacks that will tempt you later – I know I find it a lot more difficult to resist the Doritos when they’re sitting right in front of me. Less junk food and soda can improve concentration, lower stress levels, and help you sleep better at night. I just bought some toasted quinoa clusters from I Heart Keenwah which I’m trying to eat as a replacement for chips. They’re healthy and actually taste a lot better than they sound! I Heart Keenwah has tons of other healthy alternatives to cereals and different snacks too. If you really crave carbonation, try La Criox sparkling water. It gives you the bubbles and a fruity flavor without all the sugar and sodium.

-       Exercise. Even on a super busy day, exercise can really help recharge your emotional battery. Sometimes this can mean going to the gym for a real workout, but other times even just going for a quick walk around campus or doing some jumping jacks in your room will do the trick.

-       Take naps. People sometimes associate naps with laziness, but they can really improve focus and energy levels, as long as you don’t nap too close to bedtime or for too long. A quick 20-minute nap is perfect in between periods of studying.



-       Give yourself a break. Studying or working for too long without taking breaks can actually impair your learning. Take short breaks in between studies and homework to rest your mind and relax.

-       Find something you love that helps you reduce stress. Regardless of what it is that facilitates your relief of stress, find some time every day to do that one thing. For me, It’s art, so I try to take half an hour every day to draw - it really helps bring some joy to a strenuous day.

-       Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether this means getting help academically, like a tutor, or getting help emotionally, like talking to a therapist, make sure you are getting the help you need to keep yourself mentally fit. The on campus health center provides free counseling for students who are feeling any signs of anxiety or depression.

-       Call your parents. Before college, I didn’t think my mom really knew what it felt like to be young, but now I call her almost daily to tell her about my life, even if it’s just a 5-minute conversation while walking to class. It helps with both homesickness and stress because having someone to talk to who loves you unconditionally and has wise advice is so different from just venting to a friend at school.



-       Find people to hangout with who make you happy. This doesn’t have to mean going out and drinking – going out to dinner or just watching Netflix with some friends can sometimes be a lot better than doing it alone. Knowing you have friends and support from others is crucial for your mental health.

-       Join a club or do an activity where you can meet people with similar interests. Being around people who differ from you is great, but it’s also nice to find people who you can connect with through something you both love to do.