The New MAC Palettes Are Here
As you may have heard (word on the beauty street gets around quickly), MAC released its namesake Girls collection to the public today. It consists of six palettes, each named after a different type of girl. Think of the collection as a squad – you have Power Hungry, the Rockin’ Rebel, the Basic Bitch, the Prissy Princess, the Fashion Fanatic, and the Mischief Minx.
After throwing back an iced macchiato from Starbucks (they’re buy one get one free right now!), I hauled my ass to my local MAC store and lost my freakin’ mind.
Though the iced macchiato may have led you to believe that I’d jump for the Basic Bitch, I felt most drawn to Power Hungry. I'm not sure if the allure stemmed from its relatable name (guilty), or the warmness in the metallic shades that would complement my skin tone and eyes per! fect! ly! Regardless, I was hot and ready to glisten like the top of the Chrysler Building with the help of this fairy dust.
Here’s a rundown of each shade:
Totally Obsessed – TBH, I’m not totally obsessed with this. It may be because I’m still an eyeshadow amateur and don’t have an appreciation for it, but this is sheer to the point that putting it on seems like a waste of time.
Bling Mistress – What the f*ck is a bling mistress? Not sure if the name fits, but this shade is fricken heat. It’s subtle enough to serve as a base color, yet buildable enough to use for contour in the crease. I’m gonna step out right now and say that this is the Power Hungry MVP.
Bossing It – Unlike the majority of dark colors, this won’t wreck your look if your hand slips – it’s sheer enough to blend beautifully.
Money Mad – Basically rosé in a compact, i.e. sweet and makes an average day feel fan-f*cking-tastic.
Hot to Trot – The name has major horse vibes, but the shade plays nicely with others – given the versatility of light gray, you could cocktail this color with every other one in the palette for a custom shade.
Winsome Lose Some – Damn. Pretty decent pun, MAC. The shade is similar to Bossing It, but slightly more gray with the glitter on crack.
Something’s Fishy – Wondering who thought this would be a good name. "Hey, why don't we name this one 'Something's Fishy?'" "F*ck, it's perfect. Nothing encompasses this color better than the word fish." Anyway...the color steps UPPP. Three words: bronze glitter goddess.
Dangerously Elegant – Okay now THIS is a fresh name. Who doesn't want to look dangerously elegant? The glimmering graphite has the slightest hint of brown, so it may look different on person to person, depending on eye color. This is perfect to blend in the outer crease for added definition.
Gimme That! – Surprise, it's a highlighter! Best part: you could also use this as another eyeshadow. The gold shade creates the perfect dewy sheen for shimmery summer looks, be it on your eyelids or on the tops of your cheekbones.
Major takeaway: great palette, weird names. 10/10 would recommend.