A Look At Elon Yoga Club: Why You NEED to Go!

As a college student, it is important to figure out what helps you to relax, especially with midterms these next couple of weeks. Elon Yoga Club (also known as EYC) is the perfect place to take an hour or two out of your week and just chill for a minute. I took a step onto the mat to see what it was all about, and it’s safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. I left feeling calm and accomplished, and also had the chance to talk to the club’s President and fellow yogi, Claire Grisolano.

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Founded by 2018 Alumna Ali McCorkle, EYC has only been on campus for about four years, but has come a very long way. “When it first started it was just a few people in a global pod and then it grew,” states current President, Claire Grisolano. Claire has been super involved since her freshman year. During J-term that year, she decided to take Econ, which was super stressful. Her friend recommended they go to yoga club to calm some of those nerves. As Claire explains it, “I haven't missed a meeting since.”

Other than hosting weekly meetings, EYC often has guest speakers, and most recently hosted an event called Solstitium. Solstitium means a “stopage of the sun.” This year is the second year of the event and was a huge success. Solstitium had guest speakers and yoga sessions. The best part—it was completely free! Claire explains that, “we wanted to introduce people to yoga club, know who we are, and know that we can be used as a resource.”

This was something that Claire really wants to stress. Whether a beginner or expert, EYC is accepting of all people who are interested in participating. They want to be there for YOU as a resource to use whenever you need. You do not have to go every week and you do not have to be even relatively familiar with the practice to attend. As Communications Director of EYC Bella Campione states, EYC is an “accepting and open environment for all people.”

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In the future, Elon Yoga Club plans to make the organization more service based. Claire explained how Yogis have and 8 limb path (similar to The Ten Commandments if you are familiar). One of the aspects of this path is seva which means service. EYC would love to give back and participate in more service events both on and off of campus.

Some other important things to know about this club is that blocks and mats are provided if you do not have your own. Classes are student led, so if you would like to teach one you can, even if you do not have a certification. It is important to remember that there is no wrong way to do yoga because there is no such thing as moving your body wrong. This experience is supposed to be about finding your space and checking out from the outside world.

So regardless of your race, gender, sexuality, or yoga skills, yoga club is always a resource available for you to use. If interested in joining Elon Yoga Club all are welcome at 7:30pm Mondays in the Numen Lumen Pavilion. You can also contact the President, Claire at cgrisolano@elon.edu with any further questions.