On Campus for Fall Break

Eight weeks into the fall semester at Elon University, students endure the stress of midterms; but, amongst all of this stress, they also enjoy the promise of fall break. Fall break is a time for many students to return home and visit family, or to go on trips with friends; but for some, fall break is spent on a quiet campus. Melissa Jones is one such student who spent this past fall break at Elon. 

“I am from Boston, so flying home wouldn’t have been worth it for me,” said Jones. This is the reality for most students who stay on campus for fall break. 

Staying on campus for fall break isn’t necessarily exciting; in fact, many students make plans with friends to travel either to other universities or to nearby places if only for a change of scenery.

The campus itself becomes quiet, many stores and restaurants close, and only one dining hall remains open- not a lively place to spend break. Jones was nevertheless optimistic. 

“I was so excited to stay,” said Jones. “I had friends staying so I was happy to get to spend time with them.” 

For Jones, like many who stay on campus, sleeping in, grabbing food, and spending time with other friends on campus took up most of the time. 

“I went shopping and watched movies with friends,” said Jones. “I also slept a lot.” 

For some, this is the ideal fall break. In fact, fall break for many is a necessary break from the chaos of academics, clubs, and social obligations.  

“Fall break was actually really fun!” said Jones. “I’m really glad I stayed on campus, and I actually wish the break was longer.” 

Staying on campus for fall break can seem like a boring way to spend the time off from school; but, for Jones and other students like her, it is the perfect way to recharge after midterms and rest before the rest of the semester. It was just the time Jones needed for self care, something almost all students are working on during those four short days. 

This doesn’t mean that Jones didn’t miss the excitement of a busy campus and an active dorm hall.

“I was really glad when everyone came back. It was really nice to see everyone again,” said Jones.