Beautycounter: Redefining Beauty Rules

In America there are hundreds of different beauty brands paving the way in the beauty world, a thriving industry. Unfortunately, also thriving in that industry are harmful chemicals and ingredients that are totally legal. Laws against those harmful chemicals are lax in the beauty industry, which is surprising for something that we continually use on our skin everyday. 

Beautycounter is changing the game with their affordable, completely transparent makeup and beauty line for adults and children. The ingredients they use are easy to find on their website and they provide vital information in the harmful things beauty companies are legally allowed to use in their products. 

The company was born out of a lack of knowledge and a mom who wanted to change the beauty game. The founder, Gregg Renfrew, states “...I started Beautycounter, a company devoted to progress. Here you'll find a wealth of empowering information about ways we can all make the world healthier, along with safer products you can trust.`` referring to her easy-to-use site. 

“ many of you, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.” Renfrew says in regards to the industry. Because everything else in the US is so regulated, it’s easy to assume that everything that you put on your skin is too. All of Beautycounter’s products are clearly labeled, with an ingredients glossary explaining each ingredient on the site. 

The rest of the beauty industry needs to take after Beautycounter, and source safer ingredients for our skin. If the FDA isn’t regulating what we put on our faces, the companies that make the products should be watching what we consume, or at the very least keep us informed for the sake of our skin.