Healthy Girl on the Go Snacks

So it's the middle of the week and you’re running around from place to place and you realize you forgot about  lunch. So you grab fast food and spend the rest of the day feeling sick. Being busy doesn’t mean you have to skip meals or eat junk food out of convenience! Here are some quick and healthy snacks to help power you through some of your busiest days. 

  1. Fruit: Easy to carry around, tastes good and easy to find. Next time you know your’re going to be out all day, throw an apple or orange in your bag for a sweet snack. A much healthier alternative to curbing a sweet tooth than buying a Snickers from the vending machine. 

2. Meal Prep: If you know you’re going to be out all day, think about preparing a meal the night before. Making a quick salad or parfait doesn’t take long and won’t take up room in your bag. It’s an easy way to save money and eat healthier!  

3. Eating Out: When eating out, it’s hard not to be tempted by junk food and desserts. Eating out doesn’t mean you have to eat poorly because there are always healthier meal alternatives! order water instead of soda or get avocado toast instead of a burger. It’s just as good, just not as bad for you. 

4. Snacks: Pack snacks to keep you energized and full throughout the day. Some healthy snacks that are super easy to pack are almonds, carrots and humus, air popped popcorn, fruits and veggies and granola bars. 

5. Breakfast: Always eat breakfast!! (Because it is one the most important meals of the day!) Eating breakfast sets you up for a day filled with more energy and keeps you full for longer. Start your day off with eggs, protein shakes, greek yogurt, fruit or so many other options. 

Eating healthy when your busy doesn’t have to be as hard as you think!