Are Silk Pillowcases Really That Much Better Than Standard Cotton Ones?

Silk pillowcases have become all the talk within the beauty industry. Their benefits include wrinkle, acne, and frizz prevention, keeping your skin hydrated and much more. We’re here to tell you how much better they really are. 

Can silk pillowcases really prevent wrinkles?

Yes, in fact, they can. Silk pillowcases are very smooth with little friction, which means they pull less on your skin while you sleep. Have you ever woken up with lines down the side of your face? That can be from the friction with standard cotton pillowcases. Studies show that the friction caused by tossing and turning while you sleep creates creases on the face which later become wrinkles. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the long run because of its smooth texture. 

Do silk pillowcases prevent frizzy hair?

This one is a definite yes! Due to the smooth texture of the silk pillowcase, your hair glides over the pillowcase with little to no friction, which means you are more likely to wake up without bedhead. If you have curly hair, a silk pillowcase is one of the best things you can purchase.  It helps curly hair stay in its original state without frizzing. 

Do silk pillowcases keep skin hydrated? 

This one is true too. The silkiness of the pillow means it will not absorb moisture from your skin in the way regular pillows can. People with dry skin would benefit the most from this pillowcase because it keeps skin hydrated without taking away valuable moisture. 

Can silk pillowcases prevent acne? 

This one isn't entirely accurate, but there is still some truth to it. Keeping moisture in your skin while you sleep can help with acne, but by just using a silk pillowcase, you can’t expect your acne to clear up. If you struggle with acne, you should first create a skin care regimen that works for you. Then, as an added bonus, purchase a silk pillowcase so your skin can maintain its moisture and keep acne away!

All in all, silk pillowcases are all the talk right now, and for good reason. Many beauty influencers use silk because, at the end of the day, you will notice a difference when you make the switch from cotton. Silk pillowcases aren’t the magic cure, but they can definitely be a big help in improving your skin and hair.