“Strike Hard, Strike Fast”: Kappa Delta Fosters Community through Self Defense

This Wednesday, September 25th, Kappa Delta’s Eta Chi chapter hosted a self defense class as a part of their International Women’s Friendship Month celebration. Kappa Delta member Kendall Mumma explains how her sorority’s chapter hosted this event in hopes of instilling confidence in women across campus and helping foster a community of women who stick together in any situation. 

Emily, a participant in the seminar said, “I generally feel safe on campus, but it’s important to learn self defense skills just in case.” 

Instructor, and owner of Elon’s Fat Frogg, Jason Thomas has been teaching self defense for 25 years. He used to own an academy but now teaches self defense on Elon University’s campus. 

He is in his eighth year of instruction at Elon. He explains the importance of learning self defense, stating how it can empower individuals. Someone who is more self-aware and confident, explains Thomas, makes an attacker think twice about approaching them. 

“Strike hard, strike fast,” instructed Thomas, as a studio full of women took the athletic stance and practiced their jab-crosses. 

Thomas explained how, in an assault situation, it is often a victim’s reaction to push the attacker away. However, it’s more important to “bring the attacker into your spiderweb,” as Thomas put it, placing the victim in a position to strike. 

“Drop your weight,” explained Thomas, while the women practiced how to defend an attacker who grabs them. 

It is often an automatic response to get tall when an attacker strikes, but, by dropping down into a squat, victims can put themselves in a position of power. 

“Make it difficult for your assaulter,” Thomas said, giving pointers to the dads of participants practicing newly learned skills. 

After forty minutes of learning holds and chokes, Thomas discussed situational awareness. 

Participants learned how important it is to always know their surroundings and to always be aware of the exits in a particular place. 

“A person rummaging in their purse has already made themselves a victim,” Thomas explained, emphasizing the importance of being alert and aware. 

Emily expressed the relevance and helpfulness of the class while other participants spoke about their newfound confidence and surprise at just how many self defense moves they were able to learn. 

While the seminar was extremely helpful in creating a community of confident women, Thomas expressed the importance of continual practice. 

“Just three to six months of practice at a reputable academy can help build an understanding of the basics and the confidence in each move.” 

PED 102 (Self-Defense and Personal Safety) is Thomas’s on-campus course, available to all Elon students in the fall and in the spring. There are also various academies in the Burlington Greensboro area for those looking for off-campus options.