COVID-19: It's Okay to Not Be Okay

In this time of uncertainty, The Edge wants to let you know that you’re not alone in the sudden grief you may be experiencing. One important thing to remember is that everyone is going through the same thing. This means there are people all around to support you and help find ways to cope.

When the first headlines of COVID-19 hit, many of us were not prepared for the devastating repercussions it would have on our world. One of the hardest aspects of this pandemic is the ongoing uncertainty—we don’t know when this will all end and when we’ll be able to return to our normal lives.

The complete change in lifestyle caused by the pandemic has probably led to a wave of emotions—sadness, hopelessness, grief, pain... the list goes on. For many students, the highs of a sunny spring semester and fast-approaching spring break were just within reach. Whether it be the excitement of upcoming performances, formals, sporting events or even graduation for some, it feels like we went downhill quickly

With all this being said, it’s completely okay to feel down right now. Lifestyle changes such as these are drastic and unexpected. We’re adjusting to online classes, living at home and being away from our closest friends.

Our advice to you is to let yourself feel that sadness for a little while. It’s okay not to be okay! Just because someone’s pain may be greater than yours doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to feel whatever you want to.

As quarantine doesn’t seem to be coming to a close anytime soon though, we encourage you to learn to adapt to your current lifestyle as best you can. Whether it be making a little routine for yourself each day or FaceTiming friends regularly, find what brings you little moments of normalcy. Here are a few ways to adopt a positive perspective right now:

If you were unsure of your future plans before COVID-19 hit and were feeling pressured to decide, take this time to reflect. Think about the past few months and what you enjoyed and what you’re missing right now. What did you take for granted? This might help you choose how to prioritize matters going forward. 

If you’re always on-the-go and live a busy life, give your body and mind a rest. This is a great time to recharge, and we’ve got nothing but time on our hands. Use your free time to do something you never had time to before. Learn that new hobby you always wanted to try, organize your overflowing closet, etc. When life does resume normally, you’ll be more ready than ever to take it on with a fresh mind.

If you just feel lost, that’s okay too. Try to remember that we cannot control what is happening right now. While that may seem daunting, it’s not worth stressing over something we can’t change. This is just one chapter in the grand scheme of life. There are so many things to look forward to in the future, so don’t sweat it. Instead, do what you can to make the best of the situation right now.
