The Banana Bread Recipe You've Been Waiting For

If you’re anything like us at The Edge, or the thousands of other teenage girls who were stuck in quarantine, you definitely attempted to make banana bread at some point. But I made it my mission to not just make banana bread but to find the best recipe: the perfect banana bread.

However, my strength is definitely not in the kitchen. My family occasionally refers to me as “Betty Crapper” due to a few too many mistakes in the baking world. But I was determined to learn how to make at least one thing successfully.

It took me almost all of quarantine and a lot of playing around with different recipes to throw this one together. I promise you, this stuff is GOOD. So good, in fact, that my dad actually ate an entire loaf one time. Are you convinced yet?

Also, this recipe is super easy for substitutions for my gluten and dairy free friends. You have zero excuses not to make this recipe! So get your banana bread baking on (and cue all the chocolate chips).



  • 3 ripe bananas (the browner the better!)

  • ¾ cup maple syrup

  • ½ cup of plain yogurt (can be dairy-free)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1 cup flour (can be gluten-free)

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon



Preheat your oven to 350. Not preheating is a rookie mistake, but we’ve got your back.


You want your bananas to be as mashed as possible. This is a great way to relieve stress, anger or any other kind of bottled up emotions you have.

banana 1.jpg
banana 2.jpg


Add the wet ingredients to the mashed bananas and stir it all together.



But this time with the dry ingredients.


Combine the wet and dry mixtures. Self explanatory, right?

Chocolate Chips

The more the better, in my opinion. This step is optional, but I don’t trust you if you don’t do it.



For 35-40 minutes. Timing really depends on what kind of pan you use and how your oven works, as well as how crunchy you like the outside.

Eat it

I recommend letting it cool for around 45 minutes to an hour, but it’ll taste amazing at any time (smiles below to prove).

If you try out this recipe, post it and tag us at @theedgemag. Happy baking babes!