Working Out When You Don’t Want To Work Out

Working out in college can be a drag. After a long day of classes, all you want to do is crawl under the covers and take a nap. Getting ready for the gym is the last thing you want to do. But, we all know that exercise is an important part of living a healthy life. So, here are our best tips for getting motivated and active when you’d rather...not.

Gym Jams

Ever tried working out in silence? Not fun. But working out to your favorite pump-up songs? An unreal experience. Block out thirty minutes to craft the perfect playlist. Pick songs that you can picture yourself getting hype to. Do you like working out on the bike or treadmill? Choose songs that will make you want to go faster. Do you lift? Pick songs that make you feel strong. When you’re having fun listening to your music, the workout will be much easier and more enjoyable. If you don’t have time to make your own playlist, feel free to use this one handcrafted by our team at The Edge:

Something is always better than nothing

Remind yourself that not every workout has to be super long and intense. Even if you just do 15 minutes of cardio or weights, that’s better than doing 0 minutes. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Every person has their own pace, so don’t feel pressured to go harder than you can physically or mentally handle. Afraid of gym judgment? We get it. But we also promise that everyone is more concerned about their own workouts than yours. Nobody is going to care if you’re lifting five-pound weights. You’re lifting more than you would be if you stayed home.

The gym isn’t your only option

Sometimes, a hot, crowded, sweaty gym just isn’t the vibe. But, it’s not the only option. One of our favorite ways to exercise is by popping a podcast in our headphones and going on a walk. Especially on a campus-like Elon’s, there are so many beautiful routes to take while you get your dose of fresh air and vitamin D. Another easy gymless option is outdoor yoga. Pull up a video on your phone or laptop and take advantage of Elon’s abundance of grassy quads. When I was a freshman, my friends and I would do sunset yoga in colonnades once a week and then go get dinner together. It was so fun and made me feel great, too. Finding fun ways to get active is often the best workout you can do.

Don’t fly solo

Here at The Edge, we find that our biggest motivator to exercise is to do it with a friend. Even if you’re not talking and you both have headphones in just doing your own thing, going to the gym with a friend makes the experience so much more fun. Just the presence of another person can make us feel more relaxed and more likely to get the most out of our workout. 

Take advantage of the 21st Century

Lucky for us, we are living in the age of technology. If you don’t have a gym buddy, we highly recommend pulling up a guided workout on your phone and bringing it to the gym with you. Did you know that you don’t have to own a Peloton to do their workouts? Simply create a profile on their app, and you’ll be able to have access to tons of different types of workouts. They range from lifting, biking, and abs all the way to yoga and meditation. There are also thousands of guided workouts on YouTube. If you’re at a loss for what to do and don’t really know where to start, pick any video and follow along. This is great because you can pick a workout based on your experience level.

Here at The Edge, we love our lazy days just as much as the next person. Trust us, if we could stay in bed watching Netflix all day- we totally would. But, we value physical and mental well-being here in our Beauty and Wellness section. So, we hope that our motivational tips help you to get inspired to get physical and hopefully make working out less… work.

Cover photo from: The/Path

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis