Greek Life as A Minority: Elon University

Many Elon students know that about 43%, almost half of Elon’s student body, is involved in a Greek organization. Elon University’s website explains that there are multiple Greek councils: “Three student-run councils govern these organizations: the Interfraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Panhellenic Association.” The IFC is the governing body for the nine fraternities on campus, the National Pan-Hellenic council governs seven historically African American fraternities and sororities, and the Panhellenic association hosts the nine female sororities. Some of us are members of a Panhellenic sorority and have always felt like Greek life was somewhat segregated at Elon, and wondered why the Panhell sororities are so full of white women with very few women of color. While Elon is not the most diverse school in general, Panhellenic Greek life is even less diverse.  We decided to open the floor for women of color in Panhellenic sororities to answer some questions and speak their truths about their experiences. These opinions may not be representative of others’ experiences but are important to be shared either way.

  1. Can you tell me a bit about being in a Panhellenic sorority?

  2. Why did you decide to rush?

  3. What would you change if you could?

  4. Do you have any opinions pr ideas on how Elon could make Greek-like more inclusive?

  5. Feel free to share stories or any other opinions you may have.


  1. “My experience has been amazing honestly, it is definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. Of course, there are certain challenges that I face that if I never joined Panhellenic I would have never faced but honestly, I think these experiences are changing me for the better. I've met some of the coolest and most caring people ever, I think every day about the fact that if I hadn't made the decision to rush I wouldn't have these friendships and connections I now appreciate so much.”

  2. “Well, if I'm being honest it was peer pressure. All my friends were rushing and I thought it would just be a good idea. I was concerned about joining since I had an idea of the stereotypical sorority girl in my head and I did not fit into that. I had to make the decision between Panhellenic and NPHC,  which was tough because I knew either way I went had different consequences. I eventually decided and I made the decision based on what I knew about myself as a person, and what I wanted and I'm glad I went along with my own desires. 

  3. “Cliche, but definitely the minority population in panhellenic. I've been in predominantly white spaces my whole life but it often becomes exhausting being the only person of color in the room. I wish that people in my organization were a bit more inclusive, it feels as if they need one minority they know to understand our lives and apply it elsewhere but honestly, I think people in organizations should reach out more and try to have uncomfortable conversations, cause that is the only way to really bring about change in attitude and behavior. 

  4. “To be completely honest I don't think it is anything that Elon should do, rather the students in these organizations. If students of color aren't doing something white people are doing it's very likely that we feel uncomfortable being in that space and being the only person of color. There are also organizations for students of color which they would feel more comfortable in, instead of sticking out like a sore thumb and not feeling like they belong at certain times.”


  1. “I have had a pretty good experience being a Panhellenic sorority. I have been able to meet people outside of the academic aspect of college and created friendships that I know will continue after Elon.”

  2. “ I decided to rush because I knew coming into Elon that Greek life was a big part of student life and I wanted to be able to get involved with more than just my fellowship and work. “

  3. “ I think I would change the fact that most people don’t feel accepted because of the stigma that it is for primarily white students. I know a lot of international or ALANAM identifying students that never felt like Greek life would be for them. “

  4. “ I think that to be more inclusive we must understand that people are from other areas than just the northeast. People become very immersed in meeting people that are like them and not getting to know the different identities that are on campus. I know panhellenic as a whole does a lot to try to get involved with non-Greek orgs but it does not change the fact the panhellenic women do not put the same effort to go [to]non-panhellenic events.”


  1. “My experience of being in a Panhellenic sorority has been a good one. I met so many people who I would most likely not have crossed paths with otherwise. Being a part of a sorority also has allowed me to feel a part of a group and to participate in various events and opportunities. I’ve been able to do so much and connect with so many people not only in my own organization but in the Panhellenic Community as a whole.”

  2. “All my life I’ve been a part of various groups. From sports to clubs, I was always involved with something. And I knew that joining a sorority would be a good way to stay involved with a group when I got to college. It was also a way for me to connect with other people who had things in common with me which I knew I wanted as well.”

  3. “If I could change something about being in a Panhellenic Sorority at Elon, I would probably add more events that brought the community together, more philanthropy events, or even just more involvement with the school/campus. I have friends in sororities at other schools who are constantly doing things with their organizations.“

  4. “Personally, I know that Elon and Greek life do struggle when it comes to diversity and inclusivity. But I think Greek life over time will become more inclusive and have a more diverse population as Elon as a whole has more representation on campus.“

  5. “I think it’s easy to jump on Greek Life for not being inclusive or diverse. But it also comes down to those who would add to the Greek Life community to make it a more diverse and inclusive space. Not everyone wants to be apart of Greek Life for various reasons. And I think that also needs to be taken into account when talking about the lack of representation. Obviously when it comes down to it, Greek Life should be welcoming and accepting of all members of the Elon community who want to be involved, but Greek Life shouldn’t be shamed for not “recruiting” those members who don’t want to be involved.“


  1. “My experience being in a Panhellenic sorority has honestly been so amazing. I have loved being in my chapter, and the women in my chapter have been so supportive, empowering, and uplifting through hard personal situations. I’ve always felt included and supported and accepted for who I am and it really has been such a highlight of my college experience. I know I’ll encourage my kids to be a part of Greek life and be involved- I feel like it has given me a whole other part of college. It makes it homier.“

  2. “I always knew I wanted to rush. I cheered all of high school so I was use to having that bigger group of girls to go back to. I didn't want to cheer in college but I still wanted that big group of girls. My parents also encouraged me to rush because they wanted me to have a community and a way to meet a lot of people. I was also very involved in high school and I thought being in a sorority would give me access to leadership and philanthropic opportunities. I think being part of a sorority in general helps you become a more well rounded person.“

  3. “I don’t really know if there are things that I would change. Last year when I started in my chapter we didn't have diversity, equity, and inclusion positions. With the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement around a year ago now, myself and some other members felt like we should have those positions in our chapter. We led an initiative and I was the first chair for that position last spring and fall. That was something I wanted changed, but we were happy to work on it!“

  4. “My experiences with Greek life have been really inclusive, I feel like it’s difficult at Elon because Elon itself is not a really diverse school. I think that we could do more with the non-panhellenic, non-IFC greek life. I feel like we should do more to come all together and mix the different types of greek life more. For example, involving each other in our philanthropic causes as well as social things. I think that being more connected to all types of greek life on campus would be a step in the right direction towards making traditional greek life more inclusive. But I do feel like my experiences with greek life have been inclusive and uplifting. I feel like continuing our diversity, equity and inclusion education is so important because it makes us more aware of how we can be more inclusive and make people feel more comfortable.“

  5. “Overall I feel like my experience in a panhellenic sorority has been so inclusive but I know that’s not the case everywhere. I feel fortunate to be a part of the organization I’m in because I’ve really found my people. I think in Greek life in general we need to keep pushing the tough conversations. They’re important because educating ourselves on different perspectives and opinions is one of the best ways for us to push towards a more open inclusive environment. If you’re afraid to talk about something then nothing will ever get done but if we create places to have those conversations then that can lead to initiatives and movements.”

LifestyleGreta Bollmeier