Culturally Conscious Travel Tips

Traveling is unique because it provides us the opportunity to become experience the diversity in human cultures. When we go on vacation, whether it be in Myrtle Beach or Tokoyo, we fully immerse ourselves within the society to which we traveled. Thus it is important to adopt culturally conscious perspectives and actions when visiting an unfamiliar town, region, or country. This will ensure you are respectful of the local customs and norms, while also enhancing your experience and enabling you to travel in a worthwhile way. Luckily for you, we have put together some essential tips for being a culturally conscious traveler.

Familiarize yourself with the local culture


The first way to ensure that you are respectful of the local culture is to read up on an area's history, religious background, and social customs. There are plenty of great resources online that are specifically aimed at informing tourists on such matters. Familiarize yourself with customs regarding issues such as gestures, physical contact, and tipping. This ensures that you can effectively communicate with residents and minimize instances of misunderstanding. It is also important that you consider the clothing norms of the area you are visiting in order, and try to adhere to these dress codes as much as possible. 

Learn the local language

Learning a few key phrases is paramount to optimizing your experience and ensuring your needs are met while abroad. This is also a good way of offering your time, effort, and respect to the host culture. Most people are aware that English is the dominant world language, and simply making the effort to communicate via the cultural language is an endearing display of respect. 

Keep an open mind

Whether it be trying a new food or experiencing a local tradition it is important to remain open-minded throughout your travel experience. As human beings, we are socialized to behave respectfully. However, this can become complicated when applying the logic of our home culture to experiences abroad. Being open to this reality and willing to apologize quickly when a transgression is made will be in everyone’s best interest. 

Understanding the political landscape

Reviewing the political landscape of the area you are traveling is not simply a matter of respect, but also a matter of personal safety. This can be a bit complicated as the political climate encompasses a wide range of institutions that impact society in a multitude of ways. A key factor to consider is how the political system affects different groups within the local society. This will inform your interactions with locals and ensure you are conscious of the power structures within the region you are visiting.

As you are being culturally conscious in your future travels, make sure to tag us here @theedgemag in your photos!

TravelMollie Lund