R&R: Reset and Recovery

As summer approaches quickly, so do the activities! While soaking up the summer fun, it is always important to remember that it is okay to have balance become a part of your routine. After a long festival weekend or concert, needing your alone time can be a great way to reset for the week. As one person can only have so much social battery, the balance of friends and celebrations along with taking care of yourself is key to creating your ideal quality time. 

Both your physical and mental health can be affected if certain recovery initiatives are not taken. While the Taylor Swift concert was probably one of the best nights of your life, the aftermath was not a fan favorite. The stress being put on your body can lead to catching a common cold, or sometimes worse.

The first step to reset and recovery is to re-balance your brain chemicals. The morning after the big event, your brain can sometimes forget to produce the serotonin needed, making it difficult to manage. Certain foods or activities can help to create normal serotonin levels. Foods like chicken, turkey, salmon, eggs, apples or blueberries can help to increase serotonin levels and energy overall. Taking a short walk to allow your body to increase movement will also help.

The second step to reset and recovery is re-hydrate. If your throat doesn’t hurt, was it really a good concert? Losing your voice at a concert or festival is very common, but making sure you get it back is the more important factor. Voice rest, humidifying your air, and drinking water can help to regain your voice. Your body is made up of around 70 percent water, which includes the minerals and vitamins that are needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If your body does not have the fluids it needs, it won't be able to flush out the bodily waste and toxins that are stored within us. Being dehydrated for too long could cause damage to our kidneys. 

The third step to reset and recovery is to restore muscles and reduce inflammation. During a concert or festival, your body is put through physical activity whether you realize it or not! The jumping and dancing to your favorite song may not seem to be a workout, but at times it is. Your muscles are being used and are active, causing stress. During the concert or festival, movement is happening with little to no rest. Don’t be alarmed if muscle soreness and pain occurs. Your muscles create small tears which cause inflammation and soreness. This is a sign that your body needs to rest! An afternoon nap might just be needed to get you through the day.

While a face mask or movie night at home might be your choice of reset and recovery, remember to prioritize your physical health as well — preparing for the next artist to take the stage!