Who Do You Wear Makeup For?

Chances are you’re wearing mascara right now. How about concealer? Or blush? If you are wearing any of the above, take a moment to consider why you put on makeup this morning.

On a typical day, many women start their mornings by applying makeup when getting ready. For lots of women, and even men, putting on makeup is part of their everyday routine; they don’t even think twice about it. After incorporating makeup into your daily routine for so long, it begs the question: Why do you put on makeup? Is it for yourself? For men? For those around you? 

Women have been wearing makeup and enhancing their complexions for hundreds of years. In fact, Shiseido is the oldest cosmetics company, founded back in the late 1800s in Tokyo. It started out as a pharmacy and has transformed into the company we know today. The concept of makeup has evolved over the decades, of course, but the act of enhancing your facial features with makeup has stayed linear. Every woman wants to feel beautiful; over the years, that has become synonymous with wearing makeup. However, some people (typically men) have a lot to say when it comes to makeup. They claim it’s unattractive when women wear too much makeup or never leave the house without it. But when a woman takes her makeup off or chooses not to wear it one day, she suddenly looks like a “catfish” or is seen as a completely different person. It’s a harmful double standard, and it can quickly lead to negative stereotypes. 

Makeup is typically associated with enhanced beauty, using products to make women appear, and feel, more beautiful. Thanks to social media and society today, many women use makeup to try and elevate themselves to the traditional “beauty standard,” or to what they believe women should look like. It is rare to see “attractive” women without makeup these days since makeup has become such an integral part of the beauty standard. According to Science of the People, an estimated 44 percent of American women do not leave the house without makeup on. Wearing makeup is often associated with physical attractiveness, and it is used as a tool to enhance physical appearance. 

Because of this strict beauty standard that society has set, women have been raised under the impression that they need to be “pretty.” Being “pretty” will take you far in life and ensure success in the future. In reality, these things have very little to do with appearance. But let’s face it –– society's expectations and opinions of what women should look like can be hard to ignore. If all of my friends are wearing makeup, why wouldn’t I? The truth is that although it may not be right, according to Science of the People, being deemed as “attractive” leads people to be treated more favorably in life. Since wearing makeup is often associated with physical attractiveness, it is assumed that women wear makeup to enhance their appearance. Besides wearing makeup for the preferred sex, wearing makeup and being seen as more “attractive” is also helpful for building friendships and forming other connections. In saying this, it is common for women to try to impress other women more often than they try to impress men. 

The power of makeup is extraordinary because of the confidence it can give and the creative outlet it can be. Makeup applications can vary from light, everyday makeup to bold, full glam and everything in between. There is no set structure or must-do. You can change up your look every day. For many people, makeup is their livelihood. Thanks to platforms such as TikTok and YouTube, beauty gurus have been able to make a livelihood off of reviewing makeup products and comparing brands and products. For them, wearing makeup is way more than just a hobby. The beauty industry has grown astronomically in recent years, and it’s currently worth an estimated $571 billion. This growth has contributed to more people experimenting with makeup and having fun exploring the unlimited products. 

Makeup is an art form. It is a powerful tool that can artfully craft a face as if it were a canvas. It can mask, blur, enhance and brighten features, completely transforming someone. A lot of people assume that women wear makeup to impress men, but on the contrary, women most often wear makeup for themselves. Not only can makeup make people feel more beautiful and confident, but it also gives the illusion of looking more awake and alert. Concealer under the eyes covers the eye bags we all have from not getting as much sleep as we should. Highlighter and blush make us look alive and glowy, while mascara opens and brightens our eyes. The illusion of looking awake and alert gives off a sense of confidence and professionalism that many people desire. We often feel that putting on makeup “completes the look.” Getting ready for the day and putting on a cute outfit just doesn’t feel complete without makeup. Of course, this is not the case for everyone. But, in general, makeup is the finishing touch that ties everything together. In the corporate world, many women worry that if they don’t wear makeup, they will not look old enough or professional enough in the workplace. Social media has a huge influence on the beauty industry and the perceptions of how society feels about makeup. It can be seen as a negative if a woman chooses to never wear makeup, but it can also be seen as a negative if a woman wears too much makeup all the time. In other words, everybody will always have an opinion about their makeup “preferences.” 

Lastly, makeup application can be a stress reliever for some people. Women wake up and look forward to putting on their “face” every day. For them, it’s fun to transform themselves and try out different looks and products. The process is about so much more than just the makeup. “Get ready with me” videos have become a popular series of videos to film and post on TikTok and other social media platforms. Watching people highlight their routines and show their different products is fun and entertaining. These types of videos have helped popularize the industry even more. Bringing more awareness to the industry and normalizing the everyday application of makeup has definitely helped change stereotypes and perceptions about it. 

In the end, makeup isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The industry will continue to grow and expand with the new trends and influencers on the rise. Regardless of why or for whom we wear makeup, we should wear it proudly! Rock that bold lip or winged liner. Don’t be afraid to wear lipstick to the grocery store or go without makeup to a meeting. Be mindful of the impression you are going for, but don’t let society's beauty standards control your life. Makeup is meant to be fun, so let it be!

Cover photo by Brendan Antrosiglio