Detox Drinks

Feeling a little under the weather? Have you had one too many slices of pizza and the bloat is real? Do you struggle with drinking your daily dose of water? Detoxing is the perfect way to make your body feel new again. These drinks will help flush out unwanted toxins in your body to leave you feeling renewed.


Detox Waters

Detox waters promote healthy skin, boost your energy, and cleanse. Think of them like a shower for the inside of your body. Different ingredients have different benefits. Lemon, berries, and mint are great sources to boost your metabolism. Orange and ginger help support your immune system. Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties that will help with bloating. The combination of strawberries and mint leaves is not only sweet and refreshing, but will keep your skin clear and glowing!


Detox Shots

Detox shots are perfect if you’re in a rush and need a quick pick-me-up. Taking a detox shot will have the same effect as drinking an entire detox water – it's just a more concentrated mix of the same ingredients. The only downside? They may not taste as pleasant, but they pack a punch. Wheatgrass, ginger, and apple cider vinegar shots have become staples for health gurus. The cult classic apple cider vinegar shot, for example, speeds up your metabolism, balances your body's pH, and removes impurities. If apple cider sounds daunting, fear not. Try mixing it with some grapefruit juice and honey to offset the taste.


Smoothies are the perfect way to sneak in your daily serving of vegetables. If you aren’t a lover of green smoothies, toss in a frozen banana and handful of blueberries to mask the taste of the greens. To satisfy your sweet tooth, throw in a few tablespoons of powdered peanut butter (hello, protein!) or unsweetened cacao powder. Adding spinach, flax, hemp, and chia seeds will give you an extra burst of energy throughout your day!  


Kombucha has become on of the biggest trends. While I personally am not a fan of the vinegary taste, the benefits of it are unreal. Kombucha works as a probiotic that will help support a healthy digestive system, promote mental clarity, and ease mood swings. It not only helps flush out toxins in your liver, but it is also linked to cancer prevention. Try the brand GT’s Organic Raw Gingerberry Kombucha for a hint of blueberry sweetness.