Adulthood 101


With senior year in full swing, the thought of graduation already has seniors spooked. As we prepare to burst out of the Elon bubble, job interviews have been weighing heavily on my mind. I have made the resolution to try to practice a few habits that will help me transition into my post grad life. Even if you're like me and trying to fake it until you make it, here are a few ways to dip your toes in the chilly pool of adulthood.

1. Don’t skip out on sleep

We'd be lying if we said we didn't go out on Thursdays (or Tuesdays...) and rally for our 8AMs a few hours later. Unfortunately, this isn't a very sustainable — or socially acceptable — habit as an adult. It’s okay to reward yourself with a fun night, but don’t you won't be able to do it the night before a conference with your boss. For now, either live it up and take advantage of it while you can, or taper the number of nights you spend out to prep yourself for post-grad life.

2. Be Proactive

Communication and organization are key when it comes working in the real world. Deadlines for homework are great practice, as is speaking up when you feel like someone isn't pulling their weight on a group project. Stay on top of things, get ahead if you can, and don't be afraid to say your piece. It'll prevent stress in the long-term.

3. Stay focused and organized

Whether you land a big city job or are going off to grad school, maintain a solid work ethic. Living in a new place and starting a new job can be fun and exciting, but don’t let the excitement get in the way of prioritizing your time. Make a calendar for yourself and get sh*t done!

4. Save money

Set a budget for yourself and stick to it. Your parents will no longer be the ones footing the bill, which means you're the one who's going to see the immediate results of a questionable purchase. If you handle your finances in college, you are way ahead of the game. Keep killin' it and let us know if you have any words of wisdom.

5. Check-in with yourself

Self-care seems to be a buzz word right now, but for a very good reason. The hustle and bustle of a busy 9-to-5 can take a lot out of you and feel overwhelming at first. Stress is inevitable, but don’t forget to take a step back and breathe for a few minutes.